Statistics For The $ALIVE Token For Week 6 including my diary

Hello dear Hivers,
here are the:

$ALIVE Statistics For The Last 7 Days, 2025-01-31 to 2025-02-07:

Who has bought how many $ALIVE at which time:

Top $ALIVE Buyers And $HIVE Sellers

The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $ALIVE, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $ALIVE):

Comulated Amount Of Bought $ALIVE Per Person

Top 10 $ALIVE buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. Sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:

Top 20 $ALIVE Buyers

Sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:

Comulated Amount Of Sold $ALIVE Per Person

Top 10 $ALIVE Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:

Top 20 $ALIVE Sellers

Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:

Price Of The $ALIVE

$ALIVE Summarize Metrics

Comparison With Other Tokens


This figure shows the value of $HIVE compared to some tokens. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.


Value of $USD compared to some token. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.

Table Of Token Prices in $HIVE and $USD

Average value of the prices of the token. Hive and US-Dollar compared to the token:


My last Week

This week I felt exhausted. The monkey in my head was jumping up and down. I worked a lot on business- and housechores, but didn't get the feeling of doing enough. And this despite of the good circumstances I live in (Family, Health, Job,... is all fine).
Just since yesterday I feel better and calmer.
Despite of this brainf**k, this week I managed to install an LDAP- and an NGINX server. Details see here.
Achim Mertens
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