There are koi carp in this pond, I swear, but my target was right on the edge, Naelis, one of the star models that afternoon. She had to jump the barrier, with a lot of style and very gracefully, I must say. She sat there waiting for me to go all the way around the pond until I was on the other side, looking for the reflection of her figure in the calm waters. She was somewhat afraid of the eager carps that came to see if she had anything to offer them, but obviously the only thing she had that afternoon was her presence and her style as a budding model, still looking for her place in that dizzying world of catwalks and collaborations with brands and services. I was lucky to have her there in front of me, as has happened to me with so many girls that I later see on Instagram doing very good modeling jobs, earning their living. Good for them! Cheers!
Hay carpas koi en este estanque, lo juro, pero mi objetivo estaba justo al borde, Naelis, una de las modelos estelares aquella tarde. Tuvo que saltar la barrera, con mucho estilo y muy graciosamente, he de decir. Se sentó ahí a esperar a que yo diera la vuelta entera al estanque hasta colocarme del otro lado, buscando el reflejo de su figura en las calmas aguas. Ella tuvo cierto temor de las ansiosas carpas que se acercaron a ver si ella tenía algo que ofrecerles, pero obviamente lo único con lo que ella contaba aquella tarde era su presencia y su estilo de modelo en ciernes, buscando aún su lugar en ese mundo vertiginoso de las pasarelas y las colaboraciones con marcas y servicios. Suerte fue tenerla ahí delante de mi, como me ha pasado con tantas muchachas que luego veo en Instagram haciendo muy buenos trabajos de modelaje, ganándose su sustento. Bien por ellas! Salud!

With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
Fiction and creative writing, most of the times, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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