My Actifit Report Card: playing with the ball and swimming in the lake

Hi guys,
Have been a while since I wrote about my activities. My human has been sick so I couldn’t convince her of taking pics while walking in a while.
This walk that I am showing you is one of my favorites. It is very close from my home like 10 minutes drive.
There are 3 lakes right next to each other. Langwieder See, Lußsee and Birkensee.
We went there in the early morning and as its getting colder outside but the water is still warm it was very foggy when we got there.
We passed Lußsee and Langwiedersee and went directly to the smallest one: Birkensee. Here its almost never crowded at this time and my chances to go for a swim are very high 😎
I was very lucky and could play with the ball, swim and run for quite a while at lake Birkensee before we moved on.
I am sure @ninaeatshere would be very proud of me. I have proof of my best catches on video!!
When I was finished we went on and came to a more foresty part walking towards the second lake: Langwieder See
Usually we do the full circuit route around all 3 lakes but today we turned right sooner. I guess my human still doesn’t feel so fit. So we went along lake Langwiedersee back towards the car.
In this second lake I am not allowed to swim, cause there is some kind of algae or else in the water that makes me itchy and then I scratch myself all day. Also there were a lot of people fishing today… never seen that here before but there is always a first right?
I would have liked to help catch the fish but we headed straight back.
When we got home there was a big breakfast waiting for me!! Well deserved I would say!
And then of course I was ready for a big nap!! What a great start of the week!
Hope you liked the post! See ya soon! ☀️

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Running, Swimming
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