Greetings to the #empowertalent community and
@angelica7.Reborn...or it could also be turning back time, so that what happened would not have happened.
Yesterday my grandson's godmother's partner was in a very bad accident.
He was in his car and a sixty year old man crossed the avenue in the fast lane and did not cross the crosswalk, and the young man ran over him, and the man died instantly.
This situation is very difficult, to live this is something that nobody wants to live, and about the theme of Rebirth, when I saw it, it reminded me of Rebirth, which was fashionable many years ago, it was a therapy that was done to heal the traumas of childhood.
But when I saw that this accident happened to a close person, because I met him more than a year ago, he even brought me to the house, I feel very sorry for him. And with my grandson's godmother too, because she also feels bad about it.
That someone lost his life in an accident where he was not involved with the intention of causing that evil, it is very sad.
That was yesterday at 8:30 in the morning, in another city, he was working and was on his way back to the city where he lives, to continue working and this older man, without any care, crossed the street and caused this harm to this boy.
The sexagenarian, of course, did not do it on purpose either, he did it out of carelessness and ignorance, in this country, there is no road culture, this is something we should learn since we were children in school, to cross the streets only in the allowed places.
Any person caught crossing the street outside the crosswalk should receive a sanction.
But there is no surveillance for that nor education, people run across the avenues, and do not think about the damage they do to drivers, if they run over them.
I travel daily on an avenue, where there were deaths every day, at least two, and they placed the walkway because of the number of accidents that occurred and people passed by, running under the walkway.
The psychological damage caused to the driver, to the driver's relatives and to the relatives of the deceased is great.
Today I have been reflecting on this and one sometimes complains about the things that happen to one and something like this is very difficult to cope with.
That young man is 33 years old. And because of the recklessness of this pedestrian, he is marked with that pain, with that experience, for the rest of his life.
There are irresponsible drivers, of course there are, but as a pedestrian you have to be careful.
And the deceased was 69 years old. Old enough to know that he should not have crossed that avenue where he did.
I put myself in the driver's place, because I have been driving cars for more than 3 decades, and I know that a machine like that does not stop immediately, so when you are walking around you have to be careful.
And the issue of rebirth corresponds to this boy, when he achieves his freedom and returns to his normal life.
In these circumstances of collisions one is left reliving the situation and what happened to him is very strong. My daughter saw him yesterday because she passed by the place of the accident and went to visit him today, and she tells me that she is still in shock.
I am shocked myself, and it was not me that it happened to. More the one who was the protagonist.