Saludos a la comunidad #empowertalent y a
@angelica7 .
Hay que buscar estar bien en cualquier circunstancia. Yo estaba pensando como rendir el dinero, no es tarea sencilla. Por estos lares.
Sucede que el domingo, sali al parque que está cerca de mi residencia, para hacer ejercicios, pero estaba cerrado. Este parque lo abren a diario, pero este domingo no lo abrieron. Me cambiaron los planes.
Así que regresé a la casa a buscar la tarjeta de débito, para ir al centro a comprar una harina de maíz.
Cuando estaba saliendo, la vecina me dijo que ella iba a un automercado que está relativamente cerca de aquí y me preguntó si quería ir.
Bueno, dije que sí y aproveché para salir.
Fuimos a un supermercado, que era donde yo compraba antes porque tenían de todo y era más barato que por aquí cerca.
Ese supermercado, con todo lo acontecido en Venezuela, fue reducido a una octava parte de lo que era.
Daba tristeza entrar allí y opté por no volver más.
Comprobé con satisfacción, esta vez, como han cambiado para mejor. Es diferente a como era en los años 90, porque en esos años vendían, aceites, baterías y cauchos para carros.
También vendían línea blanca y linea marrón. Aparte de todo lo que ofrece un supermercado, panadería y restaurante.
Había farmacia, esta vez no me fijé si estaba la farmacia, había un Banco, ese si que no está.
Está vez por los pasillos por dónde anduve, observe que estaba totalmente abastecido, las personas tomaban lo que necesitaban y colocaban más.
Tienen suficiente personal trabajando.
Estaba bastante concurrido , me di cuenta que la mayoría de los hombres esperaban al lado del carrito , mientras las mujeres lo iban llenando.
Los precios con relación a como yo compro por aquí, son un 31%, menos.
El ahorro es significativo para quien tiene carro.
Para que me represente un ahorro significativo, tendría que comprar mucho, para que ese ahorro pague el taxi.
Yo compraba allí porque me quedaba en el camino para la casa, pero como no salgo, no ahorro nada.
Usted que me lee , se preguntara .
Que tiene que ver una visita a un mercado, con bienestar,? mucho. En mi caso, yo no salgo lejos de mi casa, a todos los lugares que voy , son cercanos porque voy caminando.
Por aquí, cerca, solo hay negocios de chinos, y ellos lo que comercializan son artículos de consumo masivo. Lo que venden lo traen de las ciudades cercanas, y el costo de traerlos para acá, se lo suman a los artículos.
Por aquí no voy a ver nada nuevo, ni llamativo, hay que conformarse con lo que hay y agradecer que al menos hay eso.
Cuando yo trabajaba en Maracay, de regreso a la casa y los fines de semana, iba a muchos lugares, también iba a Caracas y a Valencia, y compraba en esas ciudades, con mejores precios y calidad.
Ahora en estos últimos cuatro años, me ha tocado comprar solo por aquí cerca de la casa.
Es asombroso como cambiar la rutina, así sea por una hora , rejuvenece jejeje.
No me encontré con nadie conocido, será que se fueron.
Sí me costó tomar las fotos, porque no queria que en las fotos aparecieran las personas que estaban allí.
English Version
Greetings to the #empowertalent community and
@angelica7 .
You have to try to be well in any circumstance. I was thinking about how to make money, it is not an easy task. In these parts.
It happens that on Sunday, I went out to the park that is near my residence, to exercise, but it was closed. This park is open daily, but this Sunday it was not open. They changed my plans.
So I went back to the house to get my debit card, to go downtown to buy some corn flour.
As I was leaving, the neighbor told me that she was going to an automercado that is relatively close to here and asked me if I wanted to go.
Well, I said yes and took the opportunity to go out.
We went to a supermarket, which was where I used to shop before because they had everything and it was cheaper than nearby.
That supermarket, with everything that happened in Venezuela, was reduced to an eighth of what it used to be.
It was sad to go in there and I decided not to go back.
I was pleased to see, this time, how they have changed for the better. It is different from what it was in the 90's, because in those years they sold oils, batteries and car tires.
They also sold white line and brown line. Besides everything a supermarket, bakery and restaurant offers.
There was a pharmacy, this time I did not check if the pharmacy was there, there was a bank, that one is not there.
This time through the aisles where I walked, I noticed that it was fully stocked, people took what they needed and put more.
They have enough staff working.
It was quite crowded, I noticed that most of the men were waiting by the cart, while the women were filling it up.
The prices in relation to how I shop here are 31% less.
The savings is significant for those who have a car.
For it to represent a significant saving for me, I would have to buy a lot, for that saving to pay for the cab.
I used to shop there because it was on my way home, but since I don't go out, I don't save anything.
If you read me, you may wonder.
What does a visit to a market have to do with wellbeing? In my case, I don't go out far from my house, all the places I go to are close by because I walk.
Around here, nearby, there are only Chinese businesses, and what they sell are mass consumption items. What they sell is brought from nearby cities, and the cost of bringing them here is added to the articles.
I am not going to see anything new here, nothing new, nothing flashy, we have to make do with what we have and be thankful that at least that is what we have.
When I worked in Maracay, back home and on weekends, I went to many places, I also went to Caracas and Valencia, and bought in those cities, with better prices and quality.
Now in these last four years, I have had to buy only here near the house.
It is amazing how changing the routine, even for an hour, rejuvenates hehehehe.
I didn't run into anyone I knew, maybe they left.
It was difficult to take the photos, because I didn't want the people who were there to appear in the photos.