Daily routine - day twenty five - a lot of cards, happiness and smiles


Hello everyone!

Sorry for not posting but I was busy and my attention was taken by many other things. I took a short break, played games, took walks and contemplating some things and thoughts. I'm back today with a lot of cards to show.
As I'm not working next Monday, I decided to give away few postcards to my colleagues at work and to try and make them smile and surprise them with hand made cards. As a bonus I've decided to add something little extra to the cards and all I can say is that every single person that got the card was smiling and grining like a maniac (even the guys). Here's the first image. Sadly I thought of taking this one after I gave away few of the cards.
You may notice on this image, that my secret weapon I decided to add to the card were - that's right - sweets. Chocolate treats to be more precise. There were 4 kinds and I ran out of them pretty quickly.
Here is more of them, as I decided to make more to use up all the chocolates I had.
It was so fun to watch all those people staring at the card and starting to smile and laugh. It was totally worth it. And here are some of them without being colored.
It can't be seen on this picture, but my colleague was looking what I was doing (and was chuckling at my sinister plan to make all of them smile).
Few close ups and you can see the pencil lines on them.
More close ups and unfinished cards.

If you have the chance, take a piece of paper and draw something for your loved ones, friends, family. It doesn't have to be anything special, or perfect. It can be far from the work of art. They will know that you've put some time and effort into it and will be glad to receive a gift like that. It's the best gift you can receive. At least I think so. If you make them smile it's gonna be worth it.
Be good and happy holidays!

Edit: I was asked to add 2 more images. :)
All sketches, drawings and photos are my own.
Keep doing what you like and have fun!
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