#ThoughtfulDailyPost - World-Ending Freedom

For my newest friends, here are a couple quotes from a couple goats that made me pause, ponder, and discuss for #thoughtfuldailypost. Paired with thoughtfully-curated music to match the sentiment! Today, as many other probably are, I am considering freedom vs the end of the world.
Now, I have no delusions of grandeur or aspirations to have ostentatious yachts. As a matter of fact, recent developments have tarnished the CEO brand as ridiculously overpaid at the expense of the hard work by the cheap labour. That aside, I believe having risen to CEO happens from a strange combination of determination, leadership, achievement and luck...overpaid or not.
As a CEO myself (of a tiny little fledgling company,) this is the mindset I have. I am not after money, but definitely trying to make a good amount for our company. The reason we work for ourselves is the freedom of not being expendable and being able to call our own shots. When you start your own business, money is one of the things you often end up not paying yourself in order to help build the business. End game though, I am interested in maintaining this level of freedom until there is enough money to buy back my time and freedom on a larger scale. Just gotta work hard and be lucky enough to get out before the value of freedom is spent.
I had the chance to sing this song on a few stages with the band so I know it is as fun as it is appropriate as Money Talks.
Charles Bukowsky was was a German-American poet, novelist, and short story writer who wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories and 6 novels. Surely worth putting some thought in to his words.
This quote seems to be strangely relevant to current times and smacks of wisdom. How many times where situations were so seemingly dire in your life that you were focused upon them so much, it felt like the end of the world if they don't go your way? How many times have we been worried about something important and suffering our imagination of the outcome? How many mornings have come after the night?
Maybe I am talking myself off the ledge but so many times have I plowed through unfortunate circumstance and had to deal with harsh consequences, only to survive and keep rolling. I am betting we all have. So, in an effort to not take ourselves too seriously, let us know that endings become beginnings and the world hasn't yet and probably is not going to today. How about we find our peace with reality as it is and ignore the world ending fiction.
I could have gone with Annie: The Sun Will come Out Tomorrow but I like this aptly themed one from my era. We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning.

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.

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