#ThoughtfulDailyPost - Integrity and Change

For my newest friends, here are a couple quotes from a couple goats that made me pause, ponder, and discuss for #thoughtfuldailypost. Paired with thoughtfully-curated music to match the sentiment! I have been giving politics too much thought lately and will try and steer clear because everyone needs a break from the madness.
This one probably popped into my algorithm as I paused over one of his most recent sentiments which was along the lines of, 'tariffs are a tax on our own people. Who do you think pays them? The tooth-fairy?' @Davedickeyyall was proudly canceled by someone on bullshit centralized social media for trying to point this out to someone.
Anyhow, I love how this one dumbs it down to 3 things so everyone can grasp, and cleverly rips them away to leave you with a single mandatory one...integrity. I thought the first 2 were fine, knowing that 3 would be just the icing on the cake. Then I considered intelligence and energy void of integrity and made my brain flip on the mistake. Ever feel dumber and smarter in the same instant? Brilliant.
Love how great the 3s are in their parts of the timing of YYZ. If I get back to dropping these weekly, you might get an unproportionate ratio of Canadian music because some orange buffoon has my elbows up.
Looks like the fog always liftsis an instagram account with 95 followers and plenty of thoughtful quotes for #thoughtfuldailypost inspiration
The first part seems to be an easy truth. Then, it made me wonder if that was the case, why would I beg people to reconsider? Why I have I tried to shame people in order to shock them into considering they are wrong? Why have I tried to reason or deliver some tough love? Maybe because I believed that I knew but, in practice was a different thing.
This is tough for a parent to swallow as kids minds start to develop, you want them out making mistakes but there is a part of you that wants to help them avoid getting side-swiped. Logic definitely doesn't work on my daughters and tough love seems to be too far out of style to have any positive effect. I have to find peace in the moment that everyone takes their own path. and they will come to the wise realization on their own. They all apparently do.
Thinking about great symphonic rock instrumentals and can't get Foreplay out of my mind. The song by Boston that is.

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.

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