My Motherhood Experience

A year and six months ago I had my first child and it was a bouncing baby boy which I discovered that from pregnancy he would love food because then he Would not make a move in my tummy until I had eaten the world😁. Till I gave birth I wasn’t much of a foodie and I never had much cravings and I was very energetic and only over reacted when chores were not done properly to the point that I would do them again because I was never satisfied. My younger brother always complained that I was always nagging and mum would tell him it was the pregnancy. Most times will be sad for an irrelevant reason and start crying. Till the day I gave birth I was a strong woman and even wanted to work but no one let me. I was eating everything well but had to put calories in place so the baby wasn’t too big.
My labor came a day after my regular check up when I got up from bed and felt the usual contractions and kept increasing as God had it I gave birth as a Hebrew woman without stress and complications. My breast milk did not drop until my baby had his first latch and immediately it flowed so well little did I know that I had to change my eating habit because here was a food lover little boy who on his first latch refused to let go of my breast for over 30 minutes like I left him hungry all day.
The next day I was discharged with everything intact and given my first appointment 3 days after for jaundice checkup being a boy we had to come back 7 days after for his circumcision after his naming ceremony according to Nigeria tradition. Breastfeeding and motherhood experience began fully when we got back home when all i have to give was breast milk because I made up my mind to do exclusive breastfeeding no matter what