The seller gave me some red glass beads for free with my purchase. I don't have plans for these sudden beads but I decided to give it a try with some of my other available beads and make it in to a bracelet!Here's some of the stuff I'm gonna use, 8mm, 4mm beads and some other accessories.
After some arrangement I'm still not very sure how to design it with the metal half curve above, I added a 10mm glass bead below because I think it makes it looks better.
First, I make one loop to the side of the curve accessory with the elastic string, do it to the other side too. Then start stringing the beads and let two sides meet at the middle.
Here is how it looks like. After many trial and errors, I decided that this arrangement looks best for me.
Now tie both ends to make a knot. The knot looks huge, not gonna lie. hahaha.
This is how it looks like after cutting off the extra string.
I uploaded some new cute illustration to my Redbubble site too, feel free to come and take a look XD
Flower duck:
Other illustrations: