Today we have another Half Crown, this time from 1933. I actually ended up with 5 of these guys and I'm pretty happy overall with them. Some are in pretty poor condition, but then there are ones like this that are decent.
The main thing I was looking for was that the weight was good and they weren't fake. Which after testing we are all good folks!
The obverse of the coin: The uncrownd King George V
The reverse of the coin: The quartered shield of arms with the crowned royal cyphers on with side.
Year: 1933
Value: Half a Crown
Currency: Pound Sterling
Silver: .500
Weight: 14.14 grams
Diameter: 32.3mm
Thickness: 1.98mm

Even this side of the coin is still in decent shape considering its age.
I paid £20.00 for all 5 of the half-crowns, so £4.00 for each coin isn't a bad buy at all.
With today's Silver price sitting at £26.22 an oz, this is truly a lovely buy for sure.
At 7.07 grams of silver in this coin, this works out at £5.93 silver value in each coin.
A great profit for sure!
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