
Bukidnon ,Philippines

Joined in 05, 2021
· 3 days ago

I had been on and off of my crochet projects recently because there is too much to do in my workplace and I'm already tired when I come home. Not only that but also I got discouraged of my stash for being too few in each color and it's way too dusty in my house to display my yarns and get inspired by just looking at them.These are just my legs .Yet a few weeks ago, my hands got inspired in making mini bikinis for my daughters because the husband's side of the family planned on going on the swimming pool and invited us. My eldest daughter is already 9 years old and is already showing signs of puberty and that is why I thought she needed a bikini bra under her tops to hide whatever it is to hide.As much as I could, I wanted to be fair to my kids that is why I made two mini bikinis this time so Laling will never feel bad for not having some when it don't take too long to make them.Here's how: This is much in of an impromptu project and I loved it because it's small enough to be finished in just hours and I swear I only had a little sleep because I wanted to finish it.To start with, I took my yarns and selected black to pair with pink and yellow. The combination gives lovely contrast and highlights the flower design that I make.That Saturday night, the husband went on his duty as a barangay tanod and so I put the kids to bed early and went on doing my thing Photos taken during the process At first, I made a slip knot on my yarn, and chained three: then added 7 double crochets and slipped stitch on the third chain I made, secured the knot and casted off. During this time, I made the core with a beige colored yarn which I forgot to mention above.On the core I attache

· 4 days ago

I'm enjoying the rain.Most people think that a beautiful day is a sunny one and I did so back then but then I realized Sorry for a blurry picture. It's hard to take a good one in this kind of weather.Last Sunday I stayed at home to spend my work rest day because the husband went to an amateur boxing tournament in the next barangay and I didn't come with him. It was only me and my four-year old son since my daughters went with their granny to church.And he hasn't weaned himself yet and had been ever more needy and clingy and whatever a toddler does. After a while I got him settled and did the laundry which I planned over the week but has caught me over. Also, while waiting for the washing machine to do it's job, I went deep cleaning with our clothes to dump all those torn and stained fabrics as well as find the kids uniforms and get ready for the next school year that would start next week.I banned my son from using phone which made him so bored but went on his coloring instead. It was very dusty since we lived a long the highway and our house is not that close to get rid of the dust that lands on our things.Two hours after I hanged the clothes I washed, I was getting ready with my son to put him to sleep on his afternoon nap but all of a sudden, the sky darkened and just as I went to the clothes, the rain started and beat me.But boy, the rain was a player and stopped as soon as it started! My son even wanted to bathe in the rain but it's not raining anymore and we both decided to bath inside.And just as when I thought the rain was gone, it poured out hard the leaves on our old roof was bad yet on my mum's house was worse sending my old sis busy getting the pails to catch the rain. Also, the rainwater came inside their house too and I didn't notice it until l after my son went to sleep and I was sorry I was not able to help my old sis. The husband and I wanted to change our roof but we could not swallow it when we knew mum needed it more and that made me want to have more money to help her. I feel bad for her.Anyways, I took snaps of the rain from

· 7 days ago

Have you experienced breaking you phone's LCD and paid a lot for someone to fix it? Way back in 2020, my husband broke his phone LCD and I paid 1,800 pesos, about $31 in today's value. It was heartbreaking for me to pay that much but at that time, I don't much about phones and I'm still afraid of doing things at my own.Then my nephew broke his phone, hot it wet with water and never planning to fix it so I asked it from him and he gave me. That time, I asked the one I asked to fix my husband's phone to fix it but they said it's already unfixable so I tried to disassemble the parts with a help of a yt tutorial video.I still had high hopes of the phone to be fixed ( that time Android phones are still very expensive) so I gambled on buying an lcd replacement but didn't work. At first I thought it was broken but later on I realized that it was the motherboard that was broken and years after, I was able to afford a replacement and the lcd worked.Last week, my mother in law asked me to replace her grandson's broken phone to be given to Mia, her younger grand daughter. After giving me the money, I took advantage of Shopee's 7.15 sale and the parcel arrived today along with other orders I had and worked with the phone while on my lunch break. Since the broken phone has been with me for a while I did the preparation beforehand and today I just installed and tried and I was successful with what I did.Boy, the small win made me very happy and I felt very productive.This is the broken phone LCD I replacedAnd this is how the phone looked after replacement Since I learned to replace phone LCD, I tired to learn how it work to know where might had gone wrong when it's not working properly. It's really nice to know how things works and repair them even

· 8 days ago

I don't usually go to restaurants, my income does not allow I'll it yet and when I do, someone is paying for it. This might be thing that I am not proud of thing but I am just being honest with myself that I am not financially capable of doing other things like buying expensive meal but I am living with what I have and will not probably lend some just to live a fancy life.One lovely noon this week, I was invited to have lunch outside. I did bring my lunch but it seemed like Paula needed someone to accompany her. Before lunch time, I went to the canteen to buy food and upon going out, Fonzy stopped me and asking me to buy the same food for him and we went out in the canteen after. Just when Paula went to search for us, she asked us to accompany her to have lunch out with a sales agent.We actually searched for other co-workers but they were nowhere to be found then onboard led his truck and went on our way.Paula and I don't have any idea about restaurants around but Fonzy lead and brought us to an expensive restaurant which the three of us never knew about before.The restaurant specializes in seafood and din fact, the murals on the wall were crabs and lobsters giving the customers a wonderful seafood experience It was almost 1pm when we arrived at the restaurant and Rogel ordered pomelo salad and a seafood platter both is good for 4 people.We talked about work life and our boss as we waited for the food which arrived late and Paula and I Were worried about our work which we left. I was sure someone would envy us for leaving too long.Then tadaaa! The seafood platter arrived soon after the salad which I didn't have a photo of but both are explicitly delicious.

· 9 days ago

This is one of the pictures I liked while randomly clicking when I took a walk in the town some time ago. I was very lucky to have seen and took a remembrance of this wonderful view; a wonderfully colored sunset behind a barren-looking tree which I see on the images I found online. We had a long dry season at this time, perhaps due to climate change and most of the grass had turned brown and some trees lost their leaves yet some had bear fruit instead.Anyway, here s how my walk happened.That morning, the husband and I went to our municipal gymnasium to witness amateur as well as professional boxing game held line with the banog-banog festival. The husband gets to referee the amateur games and I was going to sell banana chips I had back then.The sky was cloudy and I even brought an umbrella just to be sure not to get wet when going home because I planned on going home early since I still had to tend for my kids. The boxing ring had already been set up when we arrived and the people started to pour in. I was very happy seeing the husband see his old friends ad colleages, making happy faces I never seen him anywhere else. Then came Melvin Jerusalem, my husband's close friend which he met back in their younger years and shared some memories with him along with their Coach Along Galolo. Jerusalem brought his WBC belt with him and was presented to the crown and of course, we did not miss the opportunity to have a picture with him.Others took their turns as well This young boxer just got down from the ring and I took the opportunity to take a photo with him and my husband. My husband is sort of his coach.The tournament is full of action and everyone got ve
