A warm greeting to everyone in this beautiful #Music community. I am sharing with you my trumpet interpretation of «Ain't Got No, I Got Life», a song that fuses soul, jazz and gospel by the American singer and pianist Nina Simone. The song originally belongs to the musical Hair (1967) and is the union of two songs composed by Galt MacDermot, James Rado and Gerome Ragni. Nina recorded it for the album “Nuff Said” and it became an anthem of empowerment, racial identity and collective resilience. The lyrics speak of different material and social deficiencies, contrasting them with the possession of the body, identity and vitality. This musical piece begins with a minor key, a slow tempo, and a minimalist accompaniment (piano and voice). Then it evolves positively with a major key and a faster rhythm. The piano riffs are syncopated. I love that Jazzy Groove.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Un saludo cordial para todos en esta bella comunidad de #Music. Les comparto mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Ain't Got No, I Got Life», una canción que fusiona el soul, jazz y gospel de la cantante y pianista estadounidense Nina Simone. La canción originalmente pertenece al musical Hair (1967) y es la unión de dos canciones compuestas por Galt MacDermot, James Rado y Gerome Ragni. Nina la grabó para el álbum “Nuff Said” y se convirtió en un himno de empoderamiento, identidad racial y resiliencia colectiva. La letra habla de diferentes carencias materiales y sociales, contrastándolas con la posesión del cuerpo, la identidad y la vitalidad. Esta pieza musical comienza con una tonalidad menor, un tempo lento, y un acompañamiento minimalista (piano y voz). Luego evoluciona de manera positiva con una tonalidad mayor y un ritmo más acelerado. Los Riffs del piano son sincopados. Me encanta ese Groove Jazzístico.
Very few songs manage to overcome social media censorship. Some bad things go viral and the good ones seem invisible. As in the time of Nina Simone, music remains a weapon loaded with the future. Recently, I was listening to Residente ft. Amal Murkus with the song “Under the Rubble” and I was pleased to hear a voice against war, suffering and the pain of the loss of thousands of victims, including children. In the last 5 years, other voices have emerged. For example, Kendrick Lamar in The Heart Part 5 has reflected on African-American identity, the legacy of systemic racism and personal responsibility. I believe that music can be an instrument to humanize the miserable of the earth, the migrants, the forgotten, those who suffer, and the ignored. Let us continue to build a space for criticism on Web 3, to say what some are afraid to say. Especially for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Muy pocas canciones logran vencer la censura de las redes sociales. Algunas cosas malas se vuelven virales y las buenas parecen invisibles. Como en la época de Nina Simone, la música sigue siendo un arma cargada de futuro. Recientemente, escuchaba a Residente ft. Amal Murkus con la canción “Bajo los escombros” y me agrado escuchar una voz contra la guerra, el sufrimiento y el dolor de la pérdida de miles de víctimas, entre ellos niños. En los últimos 5 años han surgido otras voces. Por ejemplo, Kendrick Lamar en The Heart Part 5 ha reflexionado sobre la identidad afroamericana, el legado del racismo sistémico y la responsabilidad personal. Creo que la música puede ser un instrumento para humanizar a los miserables de la tierra, los migrantes, los olvidados, los que sufren, y los ignorados. Sigamos construyendo en la Web 3 un espacio para la crítica, para decir lo que algunos temen decir. Sobre todo por aquellos que no pueden hablar por sí mismos.

I ain't got no home, ain't got no shoes
Ain't got no money, ain't got no class
Ain't got no skirts, ain't got no sweater
Ain't got no perfume, ain't got no bed
Ain't got no man
Ain't got no mother, ain't got no culture
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schoolin'
Ain't got no love, ain't got no name
Ain't got no ticket, ain't got no token
Ain't got no god
Hey, what have I got?
Why am I alive, anyway?
Yeah, what have I got
Nobody can take away?
Got my hair, got my head
Got my brains, got my ears
Got my eyes, got my nose
Got my mouth, I got my smile
I got my tongue, got my chin
Got my neck, got my boobies
Got my heart, got my soul
Got my back, I got my sex
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I got my arms, got my hands
Got my fingers, got my legs
Got my feet, got my toes
Got my liver, got my blood
I've got life, I've got my freedom
I've got life
I've got the life
And I'm going to keep it
I've got the life