Best regards hivers of the Black and White Community. The shadows imposed their reign; the sun was aware that it had to rest. The moment was perfect and I wanted to photograph the silhouettes. I focused my camera on the sky and I was able to capture intense contrasts. I found it interesting, against the light, to take several snapshots. Birds crossed my path. With strength, their wings flapped freely. The details of different churches, against the light, also looked phenomenal. In my search for different images, I felt my heart being squeezed. A bird locked in a cage was next to a gate. This image speaks for itself; this little friend is in distress. Don't lock her in a cage, she was born to live in freedom. Photographs against the light, today I wanted to make. Those intense contrasts, my camera, photographed incessantly and here, in the #monomad challenge, with pleasure I will show them.