"The prayer" cover by @yaremiverde1,Vibes Web 3 music competition week 26

Hola amigos de @Hives, especialmente de la comunidad @Hives me alegra poder compartir con ustedes una vez más,en ésta ocasión les traigo la hermosa canción "The prayer" de los compositores David Foster,Carole Bayer Sager , Alberto Testa y Tony Renis, grabada originalmente en 1998 cómo dos versiones en solitario por Celine Dion y Andrea Bocelli para la banda sonora de la película "Quest for Camelot " (La espada mágica),y fue al año siguiente que se lanzó la versión a dúo ,por éstos intérpretes, alcanzado gran éxito internacional.
No es una canción navideña,pero por su contenido de fe y esperanza me parece apropiada para ésta época del año,donde siempre soñamos un mundo mejor.
Para realizar mi cover me inspire en la versión realizada a dúo por los ya mencionados Céline Dion y Andrea Bocelli,me dejan saber que les ha parecido ,bendiciones para todos.
Hello friends of @Hives, especially the @Hives community I am happy to share with you once again, this time I bring you the beautiful song "The prayer" by composers David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager, Alberto Testa and Tony Renis, originally recorded in 1998 as two solo versions by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli for the soundtrack of the film "Quest for Camelot" (The magic sword), and was the following year that was released the duet version, by these performers, achieved great international success.
It is not a Christmas song, but for its content of faith and hope it seems appropriate for this time of the year, where we always dream of a better world.
To make my cover I was inspired by the duet version made by the aforementioned Céline Dion and Andrea Bocelli, let me know what you think, blessings to all.
"The prayer"(la oración)
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go, 
And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know 
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way 
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace 
To a place where we'll be safe... 
La luce che tu dai 
I pray we'll find your light 
Nel cuore resterà 
And hold it in our hearts 
A ricordarci che 
When stars go out each night 
L'eterna stella sei 
Nella mia preghiera 
Let this be our prayer 
Quanta fede c'è 
When shadows fill our day 
Lead us to a place 
Guide us with your grace 
Give us faith so we'll be safe 
Sognamo un mondo senza più violenza 
Un mondo di giuztizia e di speranza 
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino 
Simbolo de pace e di fraternità 
La forza che ci dai 
We ask that life be kind 
E' il desierio che 
And watch us from above 
Ognuno trovi amor 
We hope each soul will find 
Intorno e dentro a sé 
Another soul to love 
Let this be our prayer 
Let this be our prayer 
Just like every child 
Just like every child 
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace 
Give us faith so we'll be safe 
E la fede che 
Hai acceso in noi 
Sento che ci salverà.
Video promocional Vibes Web 3 music competition 😎
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