Hola amigos de
@Hive , especialmente de la comunidad
@Hive Vibes, estoy muy feliz de estar con ustedes y compartir nuevas experiencias musicales,hoy les traigo un tema que siempre me ha gustado mucho y que escucho desde pequeña y como el tema era sobre los años 90 ,decidí homenajear a la Reina del Tex Mex ,Selena ,quien por sus aportes a la música y la moda se convirtió en una de las estrellas d finales del siglo XX ,trascendiendo hasta nuestros días como ejemplo para las nuevas generaciones,se trata del sencillo "I could fall in love " (Podría enamorarme), perteneciente al último álbum de estudio "Dreming of you", lanzado en mayo de 1995 por EMI Internacional ,sin dudas una hermosa canción, aquí les dejo mi cover,gracias por leerme, espero sus comentarios, bendiciones
Hello friends of
@Hive , especially of the community
@Hive Vibes, I am very happy to be with you and share new musical experiences, today I bring you a song that I have always liked a lot and that I listen since I was a child and as the theme was about the 90's, I decided to pay tribute to the Queen of Tex Mex, Selena, who for her contributions to music and fashion became one of the stars of the late twentieth century,transcending to our days as an example for the new generations, it is the single "I could fall in love", belonging to the last studio album "Dreming of you", released in May 1995 by EMI International, no doubt a beautiful song, here I leave my cover, thanks for reading me, I hope your comments, blessings.
"I could fall in love"
I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay
'Cause I could take you in my arms
And never let go
I could fall in love (in love) with you
I could fall in love (in love) with you (baby)
I can only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still? (baby, will you want me?)
So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know
I could fall in love (in love) with you
(I could fall in love with you)
I could fall in love (in love) with you (baby)
And I know it's not right
And I guess I should try to do what I should do
But I could fall in love, fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
Siempre estoy soñando en ti
Besando mis labios, acariciando mi piel
Abrazándome con ansias locas
Imaginando que me amas
Como yo podía amar a ti
So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know
I could fall in love (in love) with you
(I could fall in love with you)
I could fall in love (in love) with you (with you baby)
I could fall in love (fall in love)
I could fall in love (fall in love)
With you (you baby)
I could fall, fall in love (in love) with you (I could fall in love with you)