Friends comes with many colors and many customs.
Some are white, some are black, some are brown and some are yellow. We might found some friends who are serious and there are some that are funny. However, even with those differences we still have something in common, our Friendship.
Let’s talk about REAL friends.
If we say real friends it means that there are some fake once. Those fake once are those who became your friend because they need something or you may have something that can benefit them. Like for example the most 2 common are money and fame.
Real friends don’t mind about that kind of things. They are there because of companionship. They are always there in good times and on the bad times. Ready to listen and ready to give advices.
Real friends may not only experience fun but also disappointments.
We are all not perfect and we may from time to time can commit something that can make our friends be disappointed with us. Maybe sometimes because of love life or time. However, if you have real friends you just need to ask forgiveness, give time to heal and forgiveness will come without you knowing it. That’s what real true friends are.
Time may come and go but friends will always come.
Friends may go where they need to go like work, school or family. They may sometimes go further that your only access for them is through the internet. Like when they go to overseas where visiting them maybe impossible. But with real true friends distance is not a limit for it may become a reason to get closer more than before.

Friendship is a very strong relationship that even distance can’t be broken.Yes, they may go on to the further places you may know but sometimes they may also go to the place where no one can ever contact them forever. The grave, maybe the last place everyone could go but it doesn’t mean that your friends breathing has stopped, your friendship has stopped also. Real friends does not end on the grave because they will always stay in your heart forever.
Hope that this post can remind everyone the importance of friendship. Go and look back to your friends, ask how are they doing? Precious every moment with them for you may not know when will be the last time you are going to see them. Thank you to all of my friends from Philippines and to the whole wide world. Thank you also
@Asean.hive for the opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings through our post.
Photo Source: Pictures are all mine