Hello, dear friends who love culinary delights, today I bring you a new recipe, simple but delicious and healthy. It is an eggplant omelet, something that we can prepare in a short time and with basic ingredients. Eggplant is a vegetable that provides numerous properties when consumed that benefit our body, even its peel, so you can eat it peeled or not.
Over the weekend we visited my in-laws and they had a lot of eggplants in their viandero. I started to give them ideas on how to prepare them and they were amazed at the number of recipes that can be made with this vegetable, since they only consumed it cooked and sautéed. They gave me some so that I could innovate new preparations and here I am, with this eggplant omelet. It occurred to me to make this recipe, because the weekly Hive Top Chef contest has as its main ingredient: omelette; therefore, I took the opportunity to participate.
Tortillas have different cooking points, depending on each person's taste, but I particularly like them well done. As you can see, the golden color on the surface gives it away, even the onions were a little burnt, but it was still delicious. I hope you like it. Below, I show you the necessary ingredients and the step-by-step of its preparation.