Guidlines IFC

Hey guys! Glad you chose to join season 2. I will be your regular judge again for season 2 @xomegax :). Il be sharing some things that il be looking for for season 2
Firstly please stick with the theme and topic. If its not close to the theme i most likely won't vote on it
Second stick with the rules. If it says due in a week, make sure its within the week. Also stuff like linking the original post/site or using quotations, you know? The stuff that apolymask stated
3rd if i see effort in your post and it looks like you deserve a vote i will give it to you. Give your best. Post it when you think its vote-winning and il be sure you will attain it
Last. have fun! Enjoy this competition. I dont want to see a post with no emotions its hard to finish reading a long post if its dull. So make it interesting. Like adding pictures or videos if you think it will improve the post/entry
That's it good luck to all have fun and enjoy
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