Kittens are growing very quickly.

Es un día sábado de verano muy soleado y los gatitos que están con nosotros están creciendo muy rápidamente, van cambiando la ternura y se ven como jóvenes activos y comen mucho mas así como que juegan y hacen desastres jejeje es lo bueno de tener pequeño niños felinos en casa.

It's a very sunny summer Saturday and the kittens that are with us are growing very quickly, they are changing their cuteness and they look like active youngsters and they eat a lot as well as play and make messes hehehe that's the good thing about having little feline children at home.

Chispi es el macho pequeño que es igualito a su madre es el favorito de mi hijo menor, mientras que el el gatito de blanco y negro es el mayor llamado Pompom y justamente es el consentido de mi hijo mayor que coincidencia, jejeje...lo bueno es que no son chiquitos y ya tiene tres meses y los veo mas grandes.

Chispi is the small male who looks exactly like his mother and is my youngest son's favorite, while the black and white kitten is the oldest called Pompom and is precisely my oldest son's favorite. What a coincidence, hehehe...the good thing is that they are not small and he is already three months old and I see them as older.

We love cats so much...Until the next post friends. We hope to meet the kittens soon ☺️ All photos are my property.


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