Each splinterlands battle have its own dynamics and variable affecting the battle outcome. But some variables facinates you more than others...it really comes all down to personal choice.
For me the speed is the most facinating variable. Doesn't matter how old the speed variable is but still keeps facinating me too date. For me there is nothing more facinating than watching enemy helpless and missing the attack.
Phase ability have been the real turning point in speed focused battles. Before Phase there was no way to avoid Magic monsters but now even magic attacks can miss, highlingting the importance of speed even more.
More over having more speed than enemy monsters gives you first strick advantage and you will have a chance to inflict damage first at the start of first round. Having first attack turn in battle is a serious advantage especially if you can take out Leveraging low mana complementing monsters in the back ranks, seriously incapacitating the enemy when their turn comes.
Doen't matter the battle mana, high speed is a competitive edge one can't ignore. E.g. in high mana battles one can resort to tanks like COEURL LURKER, ALMO CAMBIO for medium mana battles and CHAOS AGENT or PELACOR CONJURER in low mana battles.
Some battle rules really does highlight the speed advantage e.g. Fog of War, Equalizer and What Doesn't Kill You. And some battle rules really kills the fun in using speed as a weapon e.g. Reverse Speed, Aim True, Taking Side and Sileneced Summoners. Also beware of True Strike ability monsters as they land a hit regardless of the speed.
Low Mana Battle Leveraging Speed
Lately I have been focusing more on honing my low mana battle skills. CHAOS AGENT and PELACOR CONJURER are two my main focus moneter. With PELACOR CONJURER only limited to life splinter, CHAOS AGENT offers the real utility due being a meutral monster. Back up your CHAOS AGENT with speed bosting summoners along with complimenying monsters abilities like Slow, Swiftness & Blind and this guys turns invinsible.
This was 22 mana battle with three battle rulesets; Equalizer, Explosisve Weaponary and Fog of War. All splinters were allowed except Dragon.
Due to Equilzer and Fog of War Ruleset I decided to go with Chaos Agent as my tanks backed up with CONQUEROR JACEK summoner. All my focus was on speeding up my Chaos Agent and hence making it invinsible. Along with CONQUEROR JACEK +2 speed, I also backed CHAOS AGENT with SCAVO CHEMIST, FLAME IMP and SPIRIT MINER. Consequently, CHAOS AGENT started the battle with a speed of 8 which is pretty impressive actually. Any speed buffs applied by the enenmy monsters were neutralized by SCAVO.
In the seven round battle, enemy failed to land even a single hit on my CHAOS AGENT, whereas I kept on imflicting damage in the enemy back ranks thanks to JACEK's Scattershot.
There is nothing more satisfing than watching enemy impotent in the face of overwhelming speed of CHAOS AGENT.