Just a guy trying to make a difference.
(Source)Hello SplinternerdsTime for the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly ChallengeTo spice up weakly battle challenge splinterlands came up with idea of BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge will allows players to showcase their strategic skills through their line up in battle field in variety of battle rulesets.
(Source)HelloBitcoin network mining difficulty jumped to all time high value of 55.62T two days ago, as the network gets highest Hash Rate since in last four months. As per data by YTS Charts Mining difficulty spiked by 4.17% during the last adjustment to an all time high value. This means it is now more than ever difficult to mine bitcoin.
Evening Splinterlands FamsEach splinterlands battle have its own dynamics and variable affecting the battle outcome. But some variables facinates you more than others...it really comes all down to personal choice.For me the speed is the most facinating variable. Doesn't matter how old the speed variable is but still keeps facinating me too date. For me there is nothing more facinating than watching enemy helpless and missing the attack.