Each deck can only include 1 wrestler card (up to 4 copies of that wrestler).
Wrestlers are placed in play at the start of the game.
Energy Cards:
Decks contain Energy cards which fuel moves. Energy types include Power, Technical, Hardcore, Aerial, Brawling, and Normal.
Move Cards:
Move cards are required to perform attacks. Players can have basic moves and advanced moves, with advanced moves being limited to 1 per deck.
Advanced Cards:
Advanced cards include signature moves, match types, venues, and certain event and energy cards.
Win Conditions:
Pinfall: Reduce your opponent’s wrestler to 0 HP and successfully perform a pinfall (coin flip required).
Deck Out: If a player cannot draw a card when required, they lose the match.
Game Setup:
Search for Match Types and Venues:
Players can search their deck for 1 Match Type and 1 Venue card.
These are set aside before drawing an opening hand.
Draw Opening Hands:
Each player draws 7 cards. Mulligans are allowed. First mulligan is free. (Further mulligans reshuffle hand, draw -1 cards).
Coin Flip:
Winner of the coin flip chooses who goes first. They also decide whether to activate a Match Type or Venue.
First Turn Restrictions:
The first player cannot attack, play events, or use manager cards. They also do not draw on their first turn.
Turn Structure:
Draw Phase:
Apply any damage from bleed or other conditions. If a player would be reduced to 0 HP from this then initiate the pin fall mechanic. Draw 1 card at the start of each turn other than the very first turn for the first player.
Play Phase:
Players may play energy, place move cards on the bench face down (face down moves cannot be played, and play gear, event, or manager cards.
Only 1 energy can be attached to a wrestler per turn unless another card allows more.
Attack Phase:
Players can use moves from the bench to attack their opponent’s wrestler.
Apply damage and status conditions as needed. Once a move is used, flip it upside down once the move is used.
End Phase:
Flip any move cards that are face down to the face up position. End the turn and pass it to the opponent.
Energy and Move Mechanics:
Energy Requirements:
Each move has an energy requirement. The required type and number of energy cards must be attached to the wrestler to use the move. Players do not discard energy cards when using moves unless otherwise stated.
Basic Moves:
Basic moves require fewer energy and deal less damage than advanced moves.
Advanced Moves:
Powerful moves that require more energy and can have special effects. Only 1 advanced move per deck.
Bench Limit:
Players can have up to 5 move cards on their bench at a time.
Wrestler Cards:
Starting in Play:
Wrestlers are placed in play at the start of the game and cannot be switched out or replaced.
Wrestler Abilities:
Each wrestler has a set HP and provides bonuses to specific types of moves (e.g., +10 damage to Technical moves).
Players can discard 1 duplicate wrestler card from their hand to heal up to 50% of the wrestler’s max HP and healing all status effects.
Powering Up:
To power up a wrestler, discard 1 duplicate wrestler card and 2 cards from hand. Powered-up wrestlers gain improved stats and unlock signature moves. These signature moves are unlike other move cards. They are not affected by being flipped face down, so they can be used over and over as long as enough energy remains attached to their wrestler.
Signature Moves:
Unlocking Signature Moves:
Signature moves are attached to wrestler cards and can only be used after the wrestler is powered up.
A wrestler can have more than one signature move, but only one signature move can be used per turn.
Using Signature Moves:
To use a signature move, the player must discard 1 move card from their hand (not bench) and 1 attached energy of their choice. Each additional time during the game a signature move is used discard 1 additional energy. (Example: If a player is going to use a signature move for a second time they must discard 1 move card from their hand and discard 2 energy cards from their wrestler.)
Signature moves deal significantly higher damage than normal moves and can cause powerful status conditions or effects.
Energy Requirements:
Signature moves typically require between 3-5 energy of specific types.
Match Types and Venues:
Match Types:
Players may search their deck for 1 Match Type card before the game begins.
The winner of the coin flip decides whether to activate a Match Type. These cards change the overall rules of the match for both players (e.g., Cage Match prevents healing for 3 turns).
Venue Cards:
Players can also search for a Venue card. Venues provide effects like increasing bench size, drawing cards, or providing other benefits.
Manager Cards:
One Use Per Turn:
Only 1 manager card may be played per turn. Manager cards provide one-time benefits, such as healing or card draw.
Discard After Use:
Once a manager card is played, it is discarded unless otherwise stated.
Event Cards:
Temporary Effects:
Event cards provide temporary effects that can affect gameplay, such as increasing damage, drawing cards, or disrupting the opponent’s strategy.
Advanced Events:
Some advanced events, like Venue Sabotage or Match Disqualification, can remove or change venues or match types.
Gear & Gimmick Cards:
Attaching Gear or Gimmicks:
Gear or Gimmick cards are attached to the wrestler and provide ongoing benefits, such as reducing damage or increasing move effectiveness.
Limited to 1 Gear and 1 Gimmick:
Only 1 gear card can be attached to a wrestler at a time.
Only 1 gimmick card can be attached to a wrestler at a time.
A player can have both 1 Gear and 1 Gimmick card attached to their wrestler but they cannot have multiple. If a new Gear or Gimmick card would be attached the old one must be discarded.
Status Conditions:
Wrestler loses 10 HP at the start of each turn until healed. These can stack to add increased damage at the start of a turn.
Flip a coin before attacking. Heads = attack normally, Tails = self-inflicted damage (30 HP). If you flip tails your move does not do damage to the opponent.
Cannot attack until healed, hit by a move, or until a coin flip lands heads. If you flip heads you can attack as normal.
Attacks have a 50% chance to miss. Flip a coin; heads = attack lands, tails = attack misses. Blinded stays active until a player heals.
Reduces attack damage by 20 until healed.
Opponent takes priority in ties or speed-based actions.
Pinfall Mechanic:
Pinfall Attempt:
When an opponent’s wrestler reaches 0 HP, the attacking player must flip a coin for a pinfall.
Heads = successful pinfall and a win.
Tails = opponent kicks out, and the match continues with the wrestler at 10 HP.
Advanced Energy Cards:
Advanced Energy Effects:
Some energy cards provide additional benefits beyond fueling moves, such as reducing damage, providing more energy, or disrupting the opponent’s energy attachments.
Additional Mechanics:
Discard to Activate Effects:
Many advanced moves, gear, and events require discarding cards from hand or bench to activate special effects.
High-Risk, High-Reward:
Some cards, particularly in Aerial and Hardcore decks, provide bonuses or additional damage but at the cost of discarding cards, energy, or taking recoil damage.
Strategy Notes:
Powering Up:
Powering up a wrestler not only enhances their stats but also unlocks powerful signature moves, making it a key moment in gameplay.
Deck Customization:
Players must balance their move cards, energy cards, and advanced cards to create a competitive deck that can adapt to various match types and venues.