Today I want to invite you to answer a question that I found written down in a notebook and that at the time I wrote it down I did not answer, but it certainly caught my interest because it was left there in the inkwell... it was asked in a training that I did recently and today I connected with it again. The premise goes like this: “I am willing to let go of the need to...”
You know how some compounds are designed to let water flow easily to aid drainage? Ours is like that, a spacious one, with a bit of a slope, but sadly, no effective drainage.
Sometimes we need to put ourselves in the position of others to really feel what they are feeling before passing comments. If only we know how our words have contributed to pains in the heart of other probably we would have been more careful. Or, It's just me that is feeling the way my colleague got embarrassed wasn't supposed to be.
Daily, it’s as if our world gets too wide that we just wish not to be present. Our urge to disappear keeps growing stronger and stronger. We are becoming more confused and unsure about our choices, our thoughts and our emotions. In a world like ours, the thing anyone can do to be of help to others and even themselves is to try as much as possible to be present. Don’t just exist, but try to really live. As we were taught in school, one of the major characteristics of a living person is GROWTH.
I’ll admit, staying connected is easier said than done. Amidst busy schedules, life happening, days turn into weeks in a blur and you realize it’s been a while you checked in on your loved ones.