250 gr white sticky rice
150 ml coconut milk
2 pandan leaves, conclude
Salt to taste
Jackfruit to taste, cut into small cubes
How to make:
- Soak the sticky rice for 2 hours, wash, drain.
- Boil the steamer, put the sticky rice, steam for 15 minutes.
- While waiting for sticky rice, heat coconut milk, pandanus leaves, salt until boiling, stir, turn off the heat.
- Then put the sticky rice into coconut milk, stir well, cover and let it soak.
- After the coconut milk is absorbed by steaming about 25 minutes until cooked.
- Put sticky rice into the container according to taste (good small alufoil cup for a portion of snacks), fill half. Set aside.
90 gr brown sugar / palm, sliced
50 ml of water
350 ml of coconut milk
50 ml liquid whipcream (optional, the problem is that you use this stock but it tastes better)
2 tablespoons rice flour
Salt to taste
2 pcs pandan leaves
How to make:
- Boil water and brown sugar until dissolved, filter if necessary.
- Mix rice flour and coconut milk, stir until dissolved.
- Mix sugar solution, coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves.
- Turn on the fire, cook while stirring. When boiling, add whipcream.
- Cook until thickened, just before being picked up insert the jackfruit chunks if you like or can just sow when served.
- Pour the sauce over the sticky rice. Store in the refrigerator for a while (if the sticky rice is good it won't be hard) Serve cold 😋

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