250 gr white sticky rice
150 ml coconut milk
2 pandan leaves, conclude
Salt to taste
Jackfruit to taste, cut into small cubes
How to make:Soak the sticky rice for 2 hours, wash, drain.Soak the sticky rice for 2 hours, wash, drain.Boil the steamer, put the sticky rice, steam for 15 minutes.Boil the steamer, put the sticky rice, steam for 15 minutes.While waiting for sticky rice, heat coconut milk, pandanus leaves, salt until boiling, stir, turn off the heat.While waiting for sticky rice, heat coconut milk, pandanus leaves, salt until boiling, stir, turn off the heat.Then put the sticky rice into coconut milk, stir well, cover and let it soak.Then put the sticky rice into coconut milk, stir well, cover and let it soak.After the coconut milk is absorbed by steaming about 25 minutes until cooked.After the coconut milk is absorbed by steaming about 25 minutes until cooked.Put sticky rice into the container according to taste (good small alufoil cup for a portion of snacks), fill half. Set aside.Put sticky rice into the container according to taste (good small alufoil cup for a portion of snacks), fill half. Set aside.