What happened to the Monster of Disco?

**My (Favorite) Monster has gone...**
Can you help me find it?

Do you remember The Monster of Disco?
It tends to shapeshift,
depending on how it feels.
Sometimes it looks like this...
Other times it looks like this:
Or, once upon a Blue Monday,
it might resemble this creature...
Or, who knows...
perhaps, it transmorphed into this smiley multi-legged fella?
Or this funky salivating li'l beast...
Whatever happened, I can't quite seem to get a hold of it.
2 days ago, I opened a text file that had last been edited in April last year, which - for a moment - made me think that I hadn't worked on The Monster of Disco since that date ( 10 months ago ).
FYI: I started this project in the late Summer/early Autumn of 2023, about a year and a half ago.
Since then, my life has changed loads and that is an understatement.
The biggest (and most positive) change has surely been finding and getting together with the love of my life, Clare aka @clareartista , here on Hive.
When two people who were very much used to spending most of their time alone, busy thinking and creating, get together and, all-of-a-sudden, start spending most of their time together ( we don't work a regular job and 'work', for lack of a better word, at home ), things change, majorly.
It's fair to say that my creative output has slowed down majorly in the last 6 months and the same is probably the case for Clare. Although she - at least - has a certain kind of 'routine', mainly revolving around her weekly needlework(Monday) post, where she shares the progress on her latest sewing project.
Find the latest one here: This is not the finished Coat...
Fun Fact: she is needleworking right now, sitting next to me, in a bar that we visit about once a week.
Anyhow, it's fair to say that routine is not my middle name and that is a serious understatement.
I am notorious though for persisting, not giving up ( after all, vincent comes from the latin verb vincere; to win or conquer ) and, being highly creative ( somewhat blocked or not ) I will always find a way, even if I have to wrestle it out of my little toes.
In other words, I am sure that the monster of disco will show it's ugly - or sometimes slightly less ugly - face sooner rather than later. For now you will have to make do with some previous illustrations, as used in this post, though.
To Be Convinued...
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