Giant boulders, gorgeous gorge, creepy bridges and a bat cave

Clare and I went on a hike today and visited a gorge with a wild river running through it ( due to the rainfall of the last couple of days ). She had been there several times before, but for me it was the very first time.
The weather was amazing, it had done a complete 360 compared to the last couple of days. Today it was sunny with a cool breeze. Perfect late Winter weather with a Spring like feel to it.
On our walk, we saw a bunch of beautiful, seriously yellow butterflies and heard loads of little animals ( lizards and the like ) scurrying away in the vegetation next to the road.
There were some seriously sized boulders, that had rolled down the hill and landed on the road, some other day, month or year.
Clare told me that this used to be the original road out here, before they dug a tunnel through the rocks.
We had actually parked our rental car just before (and on the side of) that tunnel and had to pass a road block to make it on the old road that is now only used for foot traffic and daredevil cyclists.
On our hike, we crossed the gorge/river twice, navigating two bridges that made us feel a bit insecure.
Clare seemed to be more fearful - and understandably so - of the first one: A wooden bridge with a metal railing, many meters above the river.
I unfortunately don't have a close up of it, as it felt not safe enough to take a picture while crossing it. You can see it in the background...
I, on the other hand, felt some light vertigo/ had some second thoughts crossing the second bridge, a weirdly shaped stone one with a partial wooden railing on one side of it.
In fact, seeing Clare descending it, in front of me and then pausing ( to take a picture? ) freaked me out a little bit. i was afraid to bump into her, with as an effect one or both of us falling down.
It's (not) funny how our brains work, at times.
I do like this picture of Clare, almost floating, about to reach the other side...
And here's another one with her safely across, on the rock bedding and me still wondering whether to cross the gorge myself or not...
Plus another one, showing a side view of the bridge...
Afterwards, we chilled for a bit at the river side, looking at the wild ( but mostly shallow ) water. We enjoyed a picnic consisting of apples, cheese and walnuts and some water...
And took more snaps of the bridge...
Once we had discovered that there didn't seem to be a path back up to the road from this side of the river, we almost decided to return ( although the thought of crossing the two bridges, once again, wasn't too happy making ).
Then Clare suggested to climb up the hill.
And although it was steep and almost seemed like a mission impossible, I do like a good challenge - and I like climbing - so we decided to go for it.
It took us a minute of 15 to make it back up to the road, cutting through brambles and walking through dumped trash, holding onto trees for support on the steep hill as well as to pull ourselves up. Slowly but steadily we zigzagged uphill, following animal tracks, where we could.
This is the road that we arrived on and made it back on, in one piece...
Just like traversing the bridges, it was exactly the right balance between safety and danger, making for an exciting hike on which we used most of our muscles.
And before I forget, we even entered a little cave...
...where Clare pointed out a couple of bats that were sleeping and didn't move when we photographed them.
All in all, it was a pretty exciting first half of our Sunday.
I hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed sharing this :<)
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