life photographer - only original Film and Digital mostly Black and White photography stories or Resteemed stuff is also about photography.
TelAviv, Israel
Due to the low interest to post to this community, i also stopped my support for it and already forget when the last time i posted here. But no worries, personally i still use my film cameras even more often than my digital camera. I have much more fun doing this slow process of photographing. The film developing is kinda of meditation for me and it helps me to slow down my everyday hurried run. This roll wasn't an exclusion. I remember every single photographed place of every frame, as well the decision for the multi exposures for every one of these multi exposed frames. Some turned out better, some need an improvement. The new roll is already inside this simple plastic camera and it's ready for the next adventure.
His tired back is saying the whole life story. But somehow the shadow is looking much less tired and younger than it's owner.
Last night i had a dream. I was assigned for a photo session. I took my usual for the photography assignments FF Canon 5dmkii and after the first click released that i forget the memory card in the card reader connected to my computer on the working table. I have an assignments for the photography session next week. Sure will check twice that all my memory cards with me :-)))) Well, will check the batteries as well.
Can you feel the haste by the only part of his body. I can't miss this body language :-) Btw, right now i found that Peakd[.]com are using Google ads in their UI. I never put my attention on this detail, have no idea when whey started using G-ads, but sure that they get the rewards not in crypto tokens. :-))) Just interesting fact.
My photography series today is dedicated to the "PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography Round 107" hosted by @photofeed My additional theme is the Urban city palettes, created by different objects, found by my camera during the long street walks. I love to make my frames busy as hell, to overwhelm them with what's going on around me. As usual BW helps me that it brings more geometrical drama to every single frame.
I continue my series of the "Hallucinatory Dreams" photographs. Listening for the "Mess of Rock" album of the Psychedelic Rock band with the name "Wild Water" from Switzerland. The album was released in 1995. It sounds very not usual for this year. Too far from the 60-70th psychedelic music and on the same distance of the our year of the worldwide celebration of the neo-psychedelic bands, playing blues on ACID. Seems like they they fell between chairs. But their LP Vinyl was pressed again as a Limited 300 pieces Edition in 2022 by MY45 company.