I recently received an e-mail from Brad Parscale who is the campaign manager for President Trump. He is currently testing the waters of the American people here in the U.S. and posed several questions. I thought I would share a few of those questions and my answers here with you today. Food for thought!

ANSWER: There are agencies, organizations and systems within the communities and states receiving federal funding that have overstepped their legal authority and are stripping families and children of their natural and constitutional rights.
QUESTION 2: Do you believe background checks for purchasing firearms need to be enhanced to include the mentally ill?
ANSWER: Before I can truthfully answer that question I must have you first answer this question: How will the "mentally ill" be identified?
BECAUSE: The last full statistics that I have in front of me states that over 78 MILLION people in the US are prescribed psychiatric drugs. With over a million of those being children 0 to 5 years old.
Even the DSM-IV (manual used by practitioners for diagnosing mental health issues) acknowledges the association of
akathisia with suicidality and states: "Akathisia may be associated with dysphoria, irritability, aggression, or suicide attempts." Dr Glenmullen states further: "Akathisia makes people profoundly agitated, uncomfortable in their own skin and impulsive. It erodes judgment and can lower their threshold to become violent toward themselves or others".
With that said it is only reasonable to conclude that there is a deeper story that needs to be addressed maybe even before looking at additional forms of gun control. Just a few minutes spent at this site will validate my concerns:
https://ssristories.org/. Some of the concerns this nation and our current administration should note is this:
As far back as 2011, when there were a reported 645,000 moving through Foster Care, the U.S. Government's Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded a 2 year long investigation with a report which ABC News was given exclusive access to. The report explained that 5 states were reviewed: Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon and Texas.
GAO reviewed nearly 100,000 foster children in these five states. Their findings were: More than one-fourth of foster children were prescribed at least one psychiatric drug. Thousands of these were being prescribed psychiatric medications at higher doses than the maximum approved by the FDA. Hundreds of these foster children were receiving 5 or more psychiatric drugs at the same time. There is absolutely no evidence supporting the simultaneous use or safety of these drugs taken together.
Other studies have revealed that youth in foster care covered by Medicaid insurance receive psychotropic medication at a rate 3 times higher than those of Medicaid-insured youth qualifying with low family income standards.
PLEASE NOTE: The use of expensive, brand name, patent protected medication was prevalent. In the case of SSRIs the use of the most expensive medications was noted to be 74%; in the general market only 28% are for brand name SSRI's vs generics. The average out-of-pocket expense per prescription was $34.75 for generics and $90.17 for branded products, a $55.42, difference.
QUESTION 3: What else do you think the President needs to know about the real America? We’re listening!
ANSWER: The agencies funded by the federal government, CPS (child protective services) along with their cohorts in crime, the Family Court System, have become nothing more than a child trafficking scheme.
With only minimal research it is easy to find CPS agencies are missing children, have "lost" case files, include horrendous physical, mental and emotional attacks on many of these children and often resulting in death while in CPS custody. This of course is not being made public.
This is taking its toll on family and children's rights to feel secure in their homes and the economic society in this nation as well.
The families' religious and conscious belief systems are not only abused but overlooked entirely. This leads to the breakdown of the family model, loss of jobs, vehicles and homes. It leads to a more dysfunctional society and more often than not also feeds the pharmaceutical and prison industry. The children that do age out of the system, many times end up homeless, in jail or prison as there is no means for transition of any kind.
I initially had high hopes for the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division which was established within the HHS but it is not streamlined to address or take up specific issues concerning mandatory vaccination and homeschooling which are two primary elements the CPS agencies are using to gain access to families' homes and children's schools.
I do want to thank Arina Grossu who is the Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division contact within Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for addressing the issue on vaccinations by giving us a
step by step process to formally "request" that the issue of mandatory vaccinations be taken into consideration. The CRF currently however does not provide a method of reporting abuse from CPS specifically.
I was also hopeful with the U.S. President signing the Buchanan Bill into
law. It appears to be aimed at keeping Families TOGETHER, however it apparently is one of those "
we didn't get the memo" deals because I see no public attention being paid to this new law. I realize there are many things the owners of the MSM simply do not want the public to know and of course the CPS will undoubtedly find alternate ways to achieve their goal so they may continue their supply of children for dollars.
It is a very sad day to know that the U.S. will allow and PAY for the exploitation of some of our most vulnerable citizens in this nation without regard for human life and the sanctity of family.

Although I have included internal links to my previous posts here as an option for additional research for our Steemit community I did not include the links in my original response to Mr. Parscale.
I have tagged #familyprotection #informationwar #homeschooling and #vaccination in hopes it will help move us toward a more Fully Informed Public.
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If you or someone you know is or has been violated with the overstep of authority by CPS (Child Protective Service) and you would like to share your story or learn more, please follow
@familyprotection and its creators
@familyprotection-coconut and