Sounds magical and delightful reminding me of Fantasia or a wonderland. What is it really? More like Black Magic....

As far back as 2011, when there were a reported 645,000 moving through Foster Care, the U.S. Government's Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded a 2 year long investigation with a report which ABC News was given exclusive access to. The report explained that 5 states were reviewed: Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon and Texas.
GAO reviewed nearly 100,000 foster children in these five states. Their findings were:
- More than one-fourth of foster children were prescribed at least one psychiatric drug.
- Thousands of these were being prescribed psychiatric medications at higher doses than the maximum approved by the FDA.
- Hundreds of these foster children were receiving 5 or more psychiatric drugs at the same time.
- There is absolutely no evidence supporting the simultaneous use or safety of these drugs taken together.
Other studies have revealed that youth in foster care covered by Medicaid insurance receive psychotropic medication at a rate 3 times higher than those of Medicaid-insured youth qualifying with low family income standards.
The use of expensive, brand name, patent protected medication was prevalent. In the case of SSRIs the use of the most expensive medications was noted to be 74%; in the general market only 28% are for brand name SSRI's vs generics. The average out-of-pocket expense per prescription was $34.75 for generics and $90.17 for branded products, a $55.42, difference.
What is the motivation for excessive spending on name brand drugs when alternate approved generic product is available? Who benefits from this?
Children in foster care are at a greater risk of suicide. But WHY?
What Is Akathisia?
Medical experts have long known that the side effect associated with the class of antidepressants known as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors most likely to drive people to suicide or violence against others is "akathisia".
Akathisia is but one in a long list of side effects that SSRI makers were able to keep hidden, as they settled thousands of lawsuits out of court, by obtaining court orders to seal documents produced in litigation.
Even the DSM-IV acknowledges the association of akathisia with suicidality and states: "Akathisia may be associated with dysphoria, irritability, aggression, or suicide attempts."
According to Dr Cohen, SSRI's can create a combination of side effects that reduce impulse control and cause severe agitation or restlessness that may become intolerable.
Roger Lane, who was working for Pfizer at the time, produced an article published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology on akathisia associated with Prozac and its link to suicidal ideation. He stated:
"It may be less of a question of patients experiencing fluoxetine-induced suicidal ideation than patients feeling that 'death is a welcome result' when the acutely discomforting symptoms of akathisia are experienced on top of already distressing disorders."
Dr Glenmullen says: "Akathisia makes people profoundly agitated, uncomfortable in their own skin and impulsive. It erodes judgment and can lower their threshold to become violent toward themselves or others".
Vince Boehm, who tracks all studies and research published on SSRI's, says that the FDA refuses to fully acknowledge the role of drug-induced akathisia in what he refers to as "this hideous equation."
He states: "Akathisia is up to 6 times more likely to trigger a suicide than any form of depression caused by life's circumstances alone."
He also says: "The minds inner turmoil is so intense that a person will do anything to escape it".
....And the list goes on!
Now imagine with me for a moment.
You are a young child, maybe even as young as 2 to 3 years old. You have been taken from familiar surroundings and the comfort of your family. You are missing your mom, dad and siblings. You can't understand why they aren't coming to pick you up. You are living in a new place, new people and nothing seems familiar. Your entire world has been turned upside down. AND THEN.... these new people, who ever they may be, are giving you these little pills to take every day. You begin to experience restlessness...what do you do? You become irritable and easily agitated. You want to run but that is not allowed. You want to make these feelings stop. You want to die but have not had enough life experience to even understand the feeling or what dying is. You just want the feeling of misery to stop.
This is their home page: [SSRI STORIES](
How can we possibly think that children being held captive and being prescribed these horrible drugs are not experiencing the side-effects as well?
Just because they are a child in the "system of care" alluded to by the CPS agency it does not make the drug any safer.
Just because it is prescribed by a licensed practicing professional it does not make the drug any safer.
- Are the staff at CPS educated and trained to watch for and act on the potential side effects of the drugs they are recommending for these children?
- Is the licensed practitioner who is prescribing these drugs aware of the potential side-effects, drug interactions and the black-box warning?
- Is there any training and/or warnings for foster/adoptive parents to help them recognize potential side-effects and act accordingly?
The CPS agency as it is currently operating must be abolished and defunded entirely. A new system for protection can be developed while the CPS is downsizing to the point of non-existence. To do this it will take an enormous amount of planning, work, money, coordination and good intentions.
@familyprotection is a great place to start. You are invited to join with us in making this a better world for children and families around the world. The choice is yours.
Steemit has provided the platform. An incredible team of dedicated Steemians are already at work moving ahead. Will you join with us? Simply FOLLOW
@familyprotection and check out the blog to learn more.
Zito, JM; Safer, DJ; Sai, D; Gardner, JF; Thomas, D; Coombes, P; Dubowski, M; Mendez-Lewis, M (2008). "Psychotropic medication patterns among youth in foster care". Pediatrics. 121 (1): e157–63. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-0212. PMID 18166534
Cascade, EF; Kalali, AH (2008). "Generic Penetration of the SSRI Market". Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)). 5 (4): 25–6. PMC 2719553 Freely accessible. PMID 19727306.
Charles, G; Matheson, J (1991). "Suicide prevention and intervention with young people in foster care in Canada". Child welfare. 70 (2): 185–91. PMID 2036873
Barth, R; Blackwell, Debra L. (1998). "Death rates among California's foster care and former foster care populations". Children and Youth Services Review. 20 (7): 577–604. doi:10.1016/S0190-7409(98)00027-9

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