Iniciativa: ¿Quién soy? ¡Lo que me motiva! 💪 [SPA-ENG]

**Initiative: Who I am? What motivates me! 💪**
ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Motivation can be complex and become an Achilles heel if we depend solely on it to achieve our goals. Being motivated all the time is ideal, but it is not common, it is impossible to be with 100% battery power every day, there will be times when we will not even feel like getting out of bed.
Moments in which our mood will play a trick on us and we feel that our creativity has vanished, because this is where motivation and our ability to create come together. One cannot exist without the other and, in the same way, the emotional part is added to the recipe.

So how can we continue on down days, where it seems like all the ingredients have come together? 🤔

To begin with and as I mentioned at the beginning, we can't wait to be motivated to do our activities. “Creativity is a muscle that is exercised every day”, so said to me a Hiver that I don't remember, otherwise I would mention it 😅, for a post where they talked, precisely, about how to be constant in publications.
For this reason, there are several elements at play to achieve that “perennial” motivation that we want so much, especially the creatives that abound on this platform.
The process of creating in itself entails a lot of effort, at times we may have several good ideas flowing through our thoughts. However, in other stages we will be deserted trying to dig under the sand to see if we get something.

It is here where we must learn to be disciplined, creating the habit of organization to open a space that allows us to define what we are going to carry out. I mean making a schedule for our projects and that is exclusively for that particular task.
Because sometimes we want to be “multitasking” and that does not always work. It is better to have, at least, a couple of hours a day in which we know we will dedicate, for example, to writing. And that time should be sacred, without interruptions of any kind.
That is why it is of utmost importance to stay organized, since it can be demotivating to have several ideas ready and that, due to lack of order, they remain archived. Or having unfinished projects for the same reason... in the end, this causes a feeling of stagnation and that we never get to the end.

It can become a vicious cycle:

ideas/projects + clutter/procrastination = frustrated ideas/projects 👎

To be “motivated” you have to be organized and have the discipline to maintain that habit 💪.

Another important element is to know what motivates us, as @damarysvibra puts it. In my case, reading, watching documentaries that nourish me with new knowledge, drawing, writing by hand, going for a walk and feeling nature, music, art... motivates me and keeps me in good spirits.
So, for someone who finds it hard to stay motivated, my advice would be to ask yourself what you like to do and what helps you relax. It is in those moments of peace that great ideas start to appear in our mind.

An important parenthesis...

We must also take into account the situation of the person, it is not the same to feel uninspired for a short period of time than to be like that for months, because that is to be depressed. In these cases, you cannot ask the person to “get motivated”, he/she must first get out of the situation he/she is in.
I make this point because many people do not take this into account when they see someone stuck for so long and that may be a sign that something else is going on. Before judging it is best to get informed first.
If you are too unmotivated and can't find a way to move forward, there may be something to evaluate in your state of mind. Why so much lack of interest? Why are you no longer motivated to do anything? How long have you been like this?

Excessive perfectionism is demotivating 👎

In my personal case, it affects me to be so indecisive and perfectionist. I have had to fight with that in order not to get demotivated, you are your own worst critic. There are ideas that are ready and because of the yardstick with which I judge myself, they don't come out 😅.
It comforts me to observe the road I have traveled because before I was much worse in that aspect, now I avoid reviewing too much what I do and I try to be more concrete, both for what I do here at Hive and for the other areas of my life.
It is not wrong to want everything to go well and take care of the details, but we should not give so many turns to the same thing, we will only manage to stay in the same place without advancing. How many excellent ideas have been lost because of this perfectionism?
It is never too late to learn a new skill or to incorporate a habit that drives us to maintain that motivation 💡. We can all change if we make the decision, but that decision is something very personal and lies within us, as well as being motivated. It is an internal process and one that is worked on over time.

This was my participation for the initiative proposed by @damarysvibra 🤗, invited by the great writer @damarysvibra ✒️. A hug to all this beautiful community 🙌.

La motivación puede ser compleja y convertirse en un talón de Aquiles si dependemos únicamente de ella para llevar a cabo nuestros objetivos. El estar motivado todo el tiempo es lo ideal, pero no es lo común, es imposible que estemos con la batería al 100% cada día, habrán momentos en los que no tendremos ganas ni de levantarnos de la cama.
Momentos en los que nuestro estado de ánimo nos jugará una mala pasada y sintamos que nuestra creatividad se ha esfumado, pues es aquí donde la motivación y nuestra capacidad para crear se unen. No pueden existir una sin la otra y, de igual forma, se le añade a la receta la parte emocional.

Entonces, ¿cómo podemos continuar en días de bajón, donde parece que todos los ingredientes se han juntado? 🤔

Para empezar y como mencioné al principio, no podemos esperar a estar motivados para hacer nuestras actividades. "La creatividad es un músculo que se ejercita todos los días", así me dijo un Hiver que no recuerdo, sino lo mencionaría 😅, por un post donde se hablaba, justamente, de cómo ser constante en las publicaciones.
Por esta razón, hay varios elementos en juego para lograr esa motivación "perenne" que tanto deseamos, sobre todo, los creativos que en esta plataforma abundan.
El proceso de crear de por sí conlleva bastante esfuerzo, por temporadas podremos tener varias ideas buenas fluyendo por nuestros pensamientos. Sin embargo, en otras etapas estaremos desiertos tratando de escarbar debajo de la arena a ver si conseguimos algo.
Es aquí donde debemos aprender a ser disciplinados, creando el hábito de la organización para abrir un espacio que nos permita definir qué es lo que vamos a llevar a cabo. Me refiero a hacer un horario para nuestros proyectos y que sea exclusivamente para esa tarea en particular.
Porque a veces queremos ser "multitasking" y eso no siempre funciona. Es mejor tener, al menos, un par de horas al día en el que sepamos que nos dedicaremos, por ejemplo, a escribir. Y que ese momento sea sagrado, sin interrupciones de ningún tipo.
Por eso es de suma importancia mantenernos organizados, ya que puede ser desmotivante el tener varias ideas listas y que por falta de orden queden archivadas. O tener proyectos inconclusos por la misma razón... al final, eso ocasiona una sensación de estancamiento y de que no se llega nunca a la concreción.

Se puede volver un círculo vicioso:

ideas/proyectos + desorden/procrastinación = ideas/proyectos frustrados 👎

Para estar motivados hay que ser organizados y tener la disciplina de mantener ese hábito 💪.

Entonces, para alguien que le cueste mantenerse motivado, mi consejo sería que se preguntara qué le gusta hacer y qué lo ayuda a relajarse. Es en esos momentos de paz donde grandes ideas comienzan a aparecer en nuestra mente.

Un paréntesis importante...

Debemos tomar en cuenta también la situación de la persona, no es lo mismo sentirse poco "inspirado" por un período corto de tiempo a estar así durante meses, pues eso es estar deprimido. En esos casos, no se le puede pedir a la persona "que se motive", debe salir primero de ese cuadro en el que está.
Hago este inciso porque mucha gente no toma esto en cuenta cuando ven a alguien estancado durante tanto tiempo y eso puede ser un signo de que algo más está ocurriendo. Antes de juzgar es mejor informarse primero.
Si se está demasiado desmotivado y no se halla la manera de avanzar, puede que exista algo que evaluar en el estado de ánimo. ¿Por qué tanta falta de interés? ¿Por qué ya no le provoca hacer nada? ¿Desde cuando está así?

El exceso de perfeccionismo desmotiva 👎

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Thanks for reading! ⭐

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Otro elemento importante es que sepamos qué nos motiva, tal y como lo plantea @damarysvibra. En mi caso, me motiva y me mantiene de buen ánimo, el leer, ver documentales que me nutran de nuevos conocimientos, dibujar, escribir a mano, salir a caminar y sentir la naturaleza, la música, el arte...
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