Welcome back to another new post on Adapting to Modern where I look at how I crossed over from playing in Wild Battles till today focusing and getting more cards on Modern Battles, sharing with the community the struggles, the strategies and things I do to move towards playing in Modern. With the wrapping up of the sharing and review of the Soul Bound Reward cards from Rebellion set and due to Rebellion will become the main set that have sinked into the modern era when a new card set release into the modern group, there is still a need to have a good base of Rebellion core set cards. So with this, I will embark on reviewing 2 cards per week from the Rebellion Core set to discuss if you should be considering getting some of the cards to adapt to modern gameplay when the new set comes and Chaos Legion phases out. So let's get on with it and look at the 2 cards that we will review today.
Rebellion Core Set Cards
Similar to the previous post for this series, we will begin discussing card from the Rebellion Core Set. Using a similar method when I reviewed the Soul Bound reward cards, I will be discussing about the growth of the cards and will give a simple review to whether or not investing into them will level up your game play or not. And let's continue our review and progressing into water splinter by looking at 2 of the common cards from the Rebellion core set. Summoners will be left all the way to the end of the whole series since by default we should gather as much of them as possible.
Chaos Rear Guard
The first water splinter common card that we will reviewing today will be Chaos Rear Guard. At 4 mana, this will be a card that is suitable Little League. This card just grow on its defensive stats big time be it armour or health. However, the melee attack only become 2 at max level. This card I personally feel, is just good for sustaining the lineup as long as you can since it reduces melee attack big time. Another thing that might work well will be comboing this with Elias Max Pruitt for armoured attack to give it extra value. Otherwise I am not exppcting any special coming out from this card since there is no new abilities gained as it levels up. A simple fuss free card but do not expect too much out of it.
Daigendark Surveyor

The next card we will look at will be Daigendark Surveyor. This card I am a little more excited to review in view of its abilities. This card also qualifies for Little League but what's more exciting with this card is this 2 mana card can become a difficult card to handle especially when weapon trained. At lowest possible level, it already has magic reflect which will work fantastic against heavy magic attackers whom will take back a piece of what they deliver. Next will be at level 5, this card gains slow which is a global debuff for opponent. And by this stage, this card's health is already at a very substantial 7. While this card continues to grow, it will finally gain stun which is truly amazing. Imagine Moxian Rebel training this card, you will have a potential stunner in your lineup that will disrupt your opponent's lineup. A low cost but high potential card which can be a very good addition to the lineup especially when tight on mana for other cards to be fielded.
2 common cards, one so much better than the other in terms of potential. Chaos Rear Guard is an outright tank to just sustain the lineup while Daigendark Surveyor wise is such a good card which becomes a beast when weapon trained be it via any form of attack. The magic reflect is such a good deterrence and the slow debuff is great too so that your lineup can strike first giving you the advantage you need. Both of these cards scale very high in terms of health so they both possess strong sustainability.
Rating wise for both the cards, I would say Chaos Rear being single dimension and will be at mercy of magic attackers hence I would give it a rating of 3.2/5 based on the capability of this card being a superb tank when there is no magic attackers around with the shield and the high defence armour/health stats while Daigendark Surveyor will deserve a rating of 4.3/5 for the good abilities it carry which are really good for deterrence, debuff and also at max level, punishing opponent cards with a stun. Key thing is that, to have its maximum potential, weapons training is a must otherwise when used alone, it can fill a spot maybe at the front to deter opponent. In terms of buying, I would say it would be better to stock up Daigendark Surveyor over Chaos Rear Guard in view of the good abilities it carries and the utility it brings.
Wrap Up
I have started looking into the Rebellion core set cards that we need to start building up to prepare for the new set that will be coming in when Chaos Legion gets rotated out. I do hope that with the new set that will be launching soon, we can find back the vibrancy during the prime days where everyone was busy camping for cheap cards or scurrying through the rental market to get cheap rentals. Remember, if you are uncertain, there is training mode available for you to test these card out and try out how it can perform before purchasing or renting.
Let's continue to grow and find path in modern as we journey on playing Splinterlands.
See you next time!
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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!
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