Value Plan Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 Bridge Proposal and Discussion


Hive Students Hub shirts at the Ghana Youth Tech Summit
We wish to open this post by asking everyone to please submit your 2025 strategy ideas here. Currently we are working on the year-end reports for Value Plan which are still being developed. Several Hive community members who are not a direct part of the project but have niche professional expertise are assisting.
We were hoping that the Q4 budget would eliminate the usual bridge, which is this proposal, but due to new opportunities that did not happen. We prefer to underestimate expenses and optimize all budgets (save and cut) rather than overestimate them and be more flexible with the budgets.
As always, your Value Plan project managers are @lordbutterfly, @lordbutterfly and @lordbutterfly The key holders are @lordbutterfly, @lordbutterfly, @lordbutterfly, @lordbutterfly and @lordbutterfly
This proposal seeks 105,000 HBD for the 2024-2025 bridge.

Key Financials

Rally Car

The original rally car was last week. The funds from the sale are in Euro and will go primarily into Monaco in order to avoid any conversion costs.
To use a limited budget in the most economical manner we are looking at three races for the year. These races have months between them, allowing for due preparation. This discussion is best for the 2025 planning post that will come out next month, after feedback has been gathered and processed in conjunction with organizational planning already underway. The considered races are Monaco (Monte Carlo), Italy/Portugal (only one), and the CER.
Monaco - This is the flagship of all WRC rallies and the main one to attend. A Hive promotional side event is in the works. This race takes place at the end of January but is set up towards the end of November. This is the race that is covered by the sale. The costs of the side-event remain unknown at this time due to ongoing planning with a partner. Since the side-event is a pilot project, they are to be kept as low as possible.


Krolestwo is the first VP-related activity that, due to its maturity and high level of professional organization, became suitable for its own proposal which included the additional cost of salaries (under VP all operations are volunteer-run). The Hive community so far has declined that level of investment. Krolestwo promotional activities will continue at the reduced costs with volunteers as usual.

Hive Legal Opinion

This is documentation that supports listings, partnerships and Hive's success in promotional events, primarily in the US market. It is four separate components which are all part of the general legal opinion package that we are presently lacking.
The cost of the documents, which are mandated to be professionally compiled, audited and notarized, is a known sum of 55,000 HBD. This bill was already expected to have come out earlier in the year but has been delayed due to the scope of work. Due to the shift in timing, the funds that were earmarked for it in prior months were repurposed for pilot events, including the Miami Art Week opportunity. Both initiatives are geared towards re-opening the US market for existing and new Hive members. This is a tremendously-challenging undertaking that will open up new opportunities that were denied to us due to our decentralized nature.
The funds for this initiative have been earmarked as part of the previous budget but repurposed for the Miami Art Week initiative (which had to be paid with urgency, see section below).

Upcoming End of Year Activities

Smaller and ongoing activities are not listed at this time due to the fact that they are subject to change, being completed or being cancelled depending on various factors beyond our immediate control. Static activities such as Vibes will continue as usual.
We are supporting the main activities below with some organizational facts. Please let us know if you find these helpful. Note that some of these costs have been filled already due to timing needs/vendors/partners.

Hive Cup

This is an annual event that is carried out in conjunction with a co-sponsor who donates the physical space and set-up costs to it, Los Aviadores in Maracay, Venezuela. This year the event will have a B2B focus, particularly when it comes to onboarding businesses in the mall, as it gives us an opportunity to directly engage with them.
Contract: Yes (non-monetary)
Audience: Local, Public, 1500
Partners: Yes
Co-sponsors: Yes

Miami Art Week VC Event

A pilot event for the end of the year, the Miami Art Week will hos a very specialized and exclusive side-event aimed at investor and partner engagement. The activity will highlight VSC and generally focus on B2B and Hive defi/investment opportunities.
Contract: Yes
Audience: Local, Private, 250
Partners: Yes
Co-sponsors: NA

Hive Community Well Project

By popular demand and request from Ghanaian communities in need following HiveFest, one new well is projected to be installed in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The well has an expected static cost due to prices being known ahead of time and will deliver access to potable water for approximately 1000 people on a daily basis.
Contract: No
Audience: Local, Public, 4000-5000
Partners: Yes
Co-sponsors: NA

2024-2025 Mixed Activities

Mazer Gaming

Digital promotions are already taking some serious steps this year with our marketing partner Mazer Gaming working to design an engaging multi-phase Twitch streaming promotional initiative for Hive games. It is designed to show a selection of Hive games that can be picked up and played by a streamer without advanced set-up. Note: Crypto Shots and Splinterlands are already selected so far but there is opportunity for other games. A timeline can be developed based on when a game reaches maturity. Games must have a Hive account creation mechanism within them or a landing page set up for the promotion to allow for this. Please reach out to plan out for your game.
Contract: Yes
Audience: Global, 1,500,000-3,000,000+ (impressions)
Partners: No (Hive dapps only)
Co-sponsors: No

Monaco Investor Workshop

This is a side-event that is actively being planned as a pilot project and a template for future side-events. This event is to have a highly-vetted invite list. This is an activity that is in its planning phase only and its viability is still being discussed as we are working in a new geographical area. This event has ties to the Rally Car.
Contract: UK
Audience: Local, Private, 10-30
Partners: Yes
Co-sponsor: Yes

Hive Film Premiere

The Hive-made film 'Water Direct' is to be shown in a European cinema at a special event in the next few months (date TBD). This activity is projected to have a large impact by demonstrating what Hive has achieved through the unique opportunities it presents. It is directly tied with onboarding efforts, Krolestwo, and the Community Well Project.
Contract: UK
Audience: Local, Public
Partners: No
Co-sponsor: No

Administrative Discussion

Water Direct, the film that outlines the impact of Hive in rural Ghana


You may have noticed that we have been trying out different categorization methods and indicators for the VP proposals over time. These are all designed to help evaluate their success and support metrics. The promotional initiatives launched through VP are not stand-alone projects run by unique teams - they are all cross-functional and are by design operate as a cohesive unit to market Hive. What this means is that multiple organizers and team members will contribute to an activity. It also means that we will borrow assets from one project and bring them to another as needed. Most initiatives have 2-3 different team inputs into them.
Maturing and developing our process further supports the primary goal of Hive - decentralization. A professional process is one that can be replicated, sharded, or shared across verticals within Hive irrespective of what they are. The purpose of this process is optimization. We want to ensure all work done is value-added work as VP has a valuable donation of time that our community members dedicate to it. VP also has the input of communal funds through the DHF, which demand efficiency and effectiveness of use.

DHF Compatibility

Many have asked why Hive promotional projects are handled by the VP budget rather than being part of the standard DHF proposal voting system. The above section may have answered part of your question but if it did not, here are a few points to consider:
  • Promotional opportunities often come up fast, sometimes 48 hour notice, which does not leave enough time to write up and get sufficient visibility on a proposal.
  • The actual costs are not known at the time of engagement as we negotiate down and adjust the scope.
  • Many events are cancelled during negotiation if the organizing company refuses to respectfully cooperate or treat Hive with the same level of consideration as its centralized competitors. For example, if competitor speakers are offered complimentary speaking spots but we are not. Sometimes, exigent circumstances beyond our control prevent our participation. For example, if Hive cannot deliver a presentation on the main stage, we will not find value in paying for a sponsorship.
  • Activities drastically change mid-activity fairly often due various circumstances, such as inclement weather.
  • Fixed costs projects are ones with contracts signed; once a contract is signed we are mandated to pay. These are typically conference sponsorships or other initiatives where documents are necessary and are outside of our control. Payment is mandatory upon signing and all deliverables and responsibilities of both the organizing company and Hive are clearly listed.
  • Financial disclosure is often not publicly permitted by vendors prior to the event taking place. This is typically because Hive has negotiated a lower price than what other exhibitors are paying.

Plug-In Proposals (Update)

This being said, a template for Plug-In Proposals (that were announced earlier in the year) is in the works and will be released soon. If you missed it, Plug-In Proposals are proposals where the promotional initiative is suitable for a separate proposal but it is still meant to follow the VP method. Plug-In Proposals are still mandated to create spreadsheets with individual line items for all expenditures, keep records, and stay within the scope.
There are two types of Plug-In Proposals:
  1. A full proposal that collaborates with VP and has shared budget elements but has a project team which handles the funds.
  2. A connected proposal which has VP as the beneficiary (most will be this).
Both of these will be discussed in-depth in the upcoming strategy release. We need your input into the strategy document and if you have a stand-alone opinion on Plug-In Proposals, please add it below. Keep in mind that professionalism, optimization and efficiency are key points to consider when it comes to all proposals.


The total of this proposal is 105,000 HBD. Out of these, 55,000 HBD is to be spent on legal documents, as describe above. The bridge amount for other promotional activities is 50,000 HBD.
Thank you for your attention,
The Value Plan Team
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