Hive to Lightning Gateway Fees | v4vapp


v4vapp Hive to LND Gateway is OPEN

You can swap Hive or HBD for sats at:

v4vapp LND to Hive Gateway is OPEN

You can send LND as Hive or HBD to any Hive account:

Current fees

UTC: 19:54 17 Mar 2025

These are the current fees charged by the @V4VApp when swapping Hive or HBD into or Lightning. All fees are converted from Sats to Hive/HBD using live rates from @V4VApp's API
  • Fees are only chanrged when converting Hive/HBD into sats or vice versa.
  • Depositing Sats and Paying With Sats (PayWithSats and KeepSats ) will not have significant fees (there is a 0.001 Hive fee for notifications)
  • Example: if sats are sent to the Lightning Address they will be held as KeepSats on You can use these sats to pay for a Lightning invoice without being charged a conversion fee.
  • Example: if sats are sent to you will receive Hive after a fee is deducted. If they are sent to you will receive HBD again after a fee.
  • Converting a sats balance held as KeepSats on to Hive/HBD will carry a fee.
  • Rates are taken from publicly available rate api's as close to the transaction time as possible.
This services is offered as an experiemental service: if you have any issues using it the utmost efforts will be made to make you happy.

Rate Limits

Each Hive user is limited to the following amounts in the following periods:

HBD to Sats Examples

The following amounts of HBD will give approximately this amount in sats:
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