**NO_CONTROL with the underscore this is the title of this song.
Since I started singing with my throat, many things have changed in my life. I worked on this technique for a year.
This month, after cleansing my soul through meditation (I no longer pray to Ganesha), I've become deeply involved in self-discovery. The first thing I do when i wake up is snort a line of coke and start singing, usually i do it while i shower, later I settle down at my desk, turn on the software, and start understanding voice control, i play the same song over and over for hours.. my wife probably think that im loodising my mind, but actually if you do not lose you self in the wood how can you find your way out?
Singing with my throat in a meditative way for me require use of strong hashish to detach my self from this reality and enter in the world of "nothing." the place where "nothing is under control"
Recently, thanks to the combination of coke and weed, along with this technique and the help of Sister "Santa Muerte," I've gained control over my body, mind, soul, and voice.
Lately, every overtone produced by any noise resonates in my ears, i feel like discovering a parallel universe where time, sex, labor, and sacrifice don't exist. These rules are piled up in a corner, rotting away while my soul gets free.
I'm wondering if I'll die when I reach the peak of my experience. Honestly, I don't care. I know there's something else out there. Nothing is forever, and nothing is persistent because everything is an illusion created by our minds.
I don't want to be a preacher, so don't misunderstand me. I'm just explaining how years of meditation, weed, and other minor drugs like mushrooms and cocaine helped me out of my deepest depression. I realized that I was living a life that didn't belong to me. It was confusing; being empathic, every thought around me was captured by my mind and processed as if it were mine. Well, not anymore.
Why I changed so much, I have no idea. But it's a fact that singing helps every soul reach the sky. Once you're flying over this rotten world, you realize that all your fears were just cartoons, looney tunes with no alignment with the universe. We need to align with ourselves first, and then we can eventually judge other people.
The point is that once you reach this state of mind, nothing is important anymore. Nothing. The only thing that really matters is the power of love.
Don't try to reproduce these sounds at home.
It took me a year just to set my throat. It's a deep, intense, and complicated way of learning and meditating. But if you find a teacher, ask them to help you out. It will change your mind. It will set you free.