I believe that in any business you do, experience is the best tool to let you overcome some challenges attached to it.
I have been in poultry farm business especially raising of broiler chickens which is meant for meat production for quite awhile now and I want to believe that with my level of experience, it's best to dish out a tangible advice to upcoming poultry farmers.
As new poultry farmer, borrowing money to start your poultry business is not advisable and it's very dangerous for your business. Though there are majority of large poultry farmers out that are taking loan to run their business successful and that's because they have known the onions and expert in that unlike you that is just starting poultry farm business and more so you happen to be a small scale poultry farm business.
Despite my level of experience in poultry farm business, borrowing money to run my business has been the reason why my business has been going backwards and not profitable despite how hardworking I am and that's because the loan interest has been eating up my profit.
If at all you want to borrow money to start your poultry farm business, make sure you borrow money which is enough to raise your birds to maturity and have enough time to repay the loan if not you will be starting all over again.
Though there is no expert in poultry farm business due to unexpected situations that arise but there are people with great level experience to deal with those situations like I said earlier. Learning never end because we learn everyday from different stock you brought in and these has been the reason why I am able to deal with different challenges that arise.
Poultry farm business can be unpredictable due to unexpected situations like disease outbreaks or bad marketing which give rise to great loss. However, starting poultry farm business with your own money can help you avoid greater loss because it's your money, so won't have to pay back any money.
And like I said earlier that poultry farm market can be unpredictable which may not let you acquire the profit you thought of but you can still maximise the little profit and move on but when you borrow money to start your poultry farm business you may not been able to repay your loan which may affect your capital to run your poultry farm business smoothly.
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