Splinterland is a unique case of a pioneering game that is helping people onboard the crypto space while satisfying the gamer in our soul. The push we need as a community to grow must come not only from advertisement as an NFT game that you invest and earn but also as a competitive arena where all people can be included in a way that they can enjoy the game in its full potential without the need to buy or rent a full deck. I am asking to give people with no cards a way to interact in our economy without owning any NFT''s and after they get the chance to experience the game in champ level gameplay I am pretty sure they going to become more engaged.
Before I continue I want to clarify that I understand that the value of our NFT''s in the form of cards are keeping there prices because they unlock that full potential if you have them and also add to our earnings. So after understanding this, i get the tricky part of what I am asking. How to onboard users that have no NFT''s and give them a way to earn? Shadowcards tournament is one such a way and I love the idea.
What if the team introduce a new mode in addition to that. One that can allow a user to have access to all the cards in order to use em in battle and earn. Here comes the shadow arena. A mode that allow players to bet whatever amount they want in the form of a token and get the challenge accepted by another individual. You can bet Sps or dec and just fight it out and the winner takes all along with a 5% fee for the splinterlands team that provides the arena environment or even use land and get the fee payed to a land owner that has an arena on his land hosting the battle. So many more opportunities and ideas to add to that. I am very interested to hear some thought about a concept like this.
See you in the arena