Be the change you want to see Self Love - Humor - Art - Gamer - Mental Health Awareness - Discord name: tryskele#3570
Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Happy Monday!! I wasn't sure if I was going to post today. There is so much going on in the worlds and our little corner of it has quite literally is now split in two. New and exciting to say the least. As everyone has run to their computers trying to stay on top of the news, the hard fork and what have you, I managed to stay away. I honestly don't know what to think except to keep life as status quo as possible.
Happy Monday Steemverse!! How are things in your part of the world? Here in the middle of the US it's sure is something. If there were ever a song title that fit perfectly for the topic I have chosen .... This is it. The amount of panic and hysteria is mind blowing. People have lost their minds.
Happy Monday Steemverse!!I sat here yesterday trying to come up with a topic. I couldn't come up with something that moved me. Off and on through the day I had various subjects come up but when I started to put the words down it felt more like going through the motions rather than a meaningful post. I went to bed thinking I was either going to have a late post today or possibly no post.
Img SourceEach week at #powerhousecreatives one of our wonderful leaders @zord189 gives us prompt to write on. It's been a bit since I have done one, this one got my mind working so I am going to jump at the chance. Here's the link ~~> Contest
Be careful what you wish for? I made the suggestion in the @YourTop3 for the WORST MOVIES of all time and low and behold ... That is what this month's topic is. Thought it would be a change of pace. Very honored that it was chosen.
Happy Monday Steemverse!My apologies for my lack of posting. I have been lacking in the motivation department. In most cases when one is lacking in motivation it is said to be the start of a depression cycle. Over the years I have learned to 'look' for any symptoms to try to prevent an unwanted episode. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't believe that all lack of motivation issues are depression related. I think there are times that we're so overwhelmed. Too many options.