I hope everyone has been having a wonderful start to this new year! I've been busy keeping my fingers crossed that the snow storms (one happening right now, and another on the way in a few days) will pause long enough for my husband's upcoming shoulder surgery. While I shouldn't complain since this is the first real stretch of winter weather we've had so far, I can't help but whine a little about the timing! 😜
But something that made me much less whiny was seeing the power up day results from this first one of 2024! To break it all down, we had 89 qualifying entries for the prize pool (compared to 90 in December) with 170 total entries (169 last time) and 174 posts with either the #HivePUD, #HPUD, and/or #HispanicHPUD tags on the first (last month we had 171).
For the overall number, the power ups ranged from 2 to 2,059.71 Hive Power for a grand total of...
21,834.687 Hive Powered Up!
By comparison, the total in December was 17,899.344. So roughly about the same amount of participation, but with a nice uptick on the total powered up. I'd say that's an excellent way to kick off the new year on Hive!
The Lists
Here is the UNOFFICIAL results list for January 1st. If you spot any errors, or your powerup/post was somehow overlooked, please shout out as soon as possible.
The OFFICIAL written-in-stone list will be out in twenty-four hours-ish. I've set a timer on this post, and as soon as possible after it expires, I'll get it posted. Then at that time the sponsors can award their prizes. The complete list is in my
announcement & welcome to Power Up Day post, and will be included in the official results as well.
This list only includes those who powered up & posted about #HivePUD and/or #HPUD on the 1st, and met the criteria (reputation between 39 and 69 before powering up; Hive Power between 100 and 8000 prior to the 1st), and posted using the tag(s) so they qualify for prizes. I don't assign placement numbers until the official list is posted, and I've added a separate list below this one for those who posted & powered up, but their accounts were either too big/too small in their Hive Power or Reputation to qualify for the usual monthly prize pool.
Unofficial list of those
qualified for the prize pool
January 1st, 2024
Participants who don't qualify for prizes
(but qualify as amazeballs because
they participated anyway!❤️
which inspired me in August 2021 to start offering a small but special prize pool for these folks)
Thanks again to everyone for their participation, with extra thanks to the Hive Power Up Day team (
@erikah, and
@erikah) for again helping me get the results out before the next HivePUD arrived. 😂
And remember...
Image Credits: blog thumbnail created on
Canva. #HivePUD GIF created using both
Giphy and
Thanks for stopping by!
My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
My photographs are taken with my trusty
sometimes utilizing my
handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on
GIFs either found on or created by using
Tenor and
ezGIFAll words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...