It's the final countdown!

Firstly, like in my last post, the picture in my thumbnail isn't our current packing process. Canva now has a nifty AI image generator (called Magic Media) that I used to create the image(s). I combined an AI image of "red clock" and "moving exhausted" for that spiffy little pic. I felt the weird number of limbs and eyes really captured how the three of us (hubby, son, and myself as our two girls are now fully moved out) are doing at the moment. 😂
For this move to go smoothly, so many things had to line up perfectly, and so far that hasn't happened as much as we needed. For example, with some of the fiat from the Hive I powered down (side note, I've stopped my power down for now, as we have just enough money to squeak by at the moment, so I'm hoping I don't need to pull any more out), we rented a PODS unit (essentially a movable storage unit).
When we ordered it, we put in for delivery on August 22nd (first available date), with a pickup date of September 1st (to go to our new place), and a plan for them to retrieve it around September 20th (you can keep it as long as you need, and pay month to month).
The delivery went off without a hitch & we've been working on getting as much stuff as possible into it. We were supposed to confirm the pickup date a week before, but when hubby tried to do it online, the calendar then said they only do deliveries to our new town on Thursdays & Fridays, so we could only get it picked up on August 30th or September 5th. 😆
At first, our current landlady said the 5th would be fine, as she wasn't going to be fully moved out until the 6th. The next day, she sent me a text saying the realtor was firm that we needed to be gone on the first, because of course.
So not having much choice, we scheduled for the 30th. Then hubby got a text message that they were overbooked that day, and we'd have to have it done on the 29th. 🤦‍♀
Needless to say, we've been hustling for the past few days getting as much in as we could. Last night we got a message that the estimated pickup time was 2:15pm to 5:15pm, so we were doing double time today. We were close to being done just before 2pm, when the PODS truck pulled up our driveway. 😲
The driver said he couldn't wait around, and had another delivery in our area, so he could either come back later or tomorrow. We said tomorrow would be perfect, and had a brief celebration dance in our driveway. Short time later, hubby got a call from PODS saying they couldn't come back tomorrow, and the soonest they could get it was September 6th.
via Tenor
On the bright side, when we discovered the limited delivery window, my hubby complained online and a PODS rep actually replied to him, and offered to help us out. They offered us a discount on our service (came out to almost half of what we expect to pay), and was very sweet and helpful. He just contacted her a short time ago, and she gave him the phone number for her supervisor to see if there's anything they can do, since we really, really, really do need to be out of here in three days.
Wait, three days?
Holy crap, I need to stop typing and start packing more stuff! 🤣
At any rate, thought I'd shout out with a bit of an update, and I'm looking forward to the time that I can sit down and get caught up with everyone here. Oh, and apologies to anyone who catches the same ear worm I've had in my brain for days, when I realized we've hit the
Any and all good luck moving vibes greatly received!

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through, I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon, sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod. Blog graphics created on Canva GIFs either found on or created by using Giphy, Tenor and ezGIF.
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

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