My news:
Another standard week in which I have been able to add 8 HP to my stack. Otherwise there is not much to report except that the market continues to fall without stopping. It seems that the American administration will manage to buy its Bitcoin reserves at a good price before raising it to the heavens. Anyway, if you have been in this for a while you already know how it works and that the bull run will return so it is time for diamond hands or you will have to regret it later.
The liquidity pools are performing very well and I continue to expand my investments.
My next goal for the end of the year will be 2800 HP but I will also try to get other tokens.
My BEE Power continues to grow at a good pace and I delegate it to
Here is this week's deposit:
Another year committed to the
Saturday Savers Club challenge I liked the method and discipline of Saturday Savers Club so I decided.
I have chosen this painting to achieve the necessary savings, more or less about 1000 HP
This year I will focus on being in 100% HP mode. I will also use the layer 2 tokens to buy Hive and power up. With all this and some extra or other I hope to achieve my goals or exceed them.
I hope that with the support of
@eddie-earner ,
@eddie and the rest of the Club members I can achieve my goal by the end of the year.