WUFTOPIA is this weekend! Nov 23-24 w/ LIVE events 11a-11p ET


WUFTOPIA - November 23-24, 2024

You've seen us hyping up WUFTOPIA for months now on our weekly WAX spaces as well as on all of @consumerbreak livestreams, and on the official WAX Wednesday space. Finally, the EPIC weekend is upon us! Read to the end for a cheatsheet~

Day 1

Day 2

Everything you don't want to miss


Everything you need to know is located on the NFTOPIA website home page and the Attend page. Here are all the links you'll need.
Registration (add to mailing list for WUFTOPIA): https://tinyurl.com/wuftopia-register
WUFTOPIA Metaverse: https://tinyurl.com/wuftopia

Don't forget!
