
Free Assange. Bring an end to the Oligarchy, the MIC, & the entire empire. Question everything. Even yourself. Be open to change.

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Joined in 08, 2020
· 20. July 2023

US Bans 14 Iraqi Banks in Crackdown on Iran Dollar Trade, Wall Street Journal Reports The United States has barred 14 Iraqi banks from conducting dollar transactions, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing U.S. officials. The ban, which was imposed by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is part of a crackdown on the siphoning of U.S. currency to Iran, the report said... As the Cradle reported ( The sanctions came only one day after the US State Department issued a new 120-day sanctions waiver ( to allow Baghdad to deposit payments for Iranian natural gas into non-Iraqi banks in response to criticism that the White House is responsible for recent power cuts at the height of Iraq’s blistering hot summer. Since 2003, all Iraqi oil revenues have been paid into an account with the US Federal Reserve. Although Iraqis formed a sovereign government after the US invasion and occupation of their state, Iraq is still restricted from opening accounts for its oil earnings outside the US. Given its dominance of the global financial system, Washington can control all funds of Iraq's Central Bank through threats or sanctions, even though these funds are not deposited exclusively in US banks. Furthermore, Iraq's oil funds, which in 2022 amounted to more than $90 billion, remain in one single account in New York Fed – the institution that two years ago unilaterally blocked Afghanistan from accessing its foreign reserves, plunging the nation into an unparalleled crisis. Last November, the US Treasury cut off four Iraqi banks from access to dollars and imposed tight controls on wire transfers, sending the economy reeling. To negate the effect of these unilateral measures, Baghdad has been looking to move trade away from the greenback and, in May, banned the use of the US dollar for both personal and business transactions. Earl