Many people have been intimidated by the roller coaster market. You're one day full of optimism and wondering what the hell is going on the next day. But while others throw the towel, I learned how to turn crypto into my only source of income, even in the worst bear markets. This is my story of perseverance that could change your mind forever.
I know this is not what you would like to read, living on crypto is not a dream nor is it to survive on crypto profits. It has been my reality since 2020. Let me tell you my story and why I am more engaged to crypto space despite all its rise and falls.
My invasion of crypto began in 2017, when I first immersed my fingers in a blockchain -based income platform. Like most beginners, I was confused by the whole settings. Technical jargon, a complex process too much to handle. So I did what everyone else is doing: I stopped. And boy, it was a mistake.
The year 2018 witnessed a massive crypto bull run and I looked at the sidelines how prices rose to new heights. This is where I learned my first valuable lesson in the crypto space. Patience is a virtue. Individuals who rode their nerves and stick to their dear life were rewarded with amazing profits. But I had nothing but regret.
Skip forward to 2020 and I decided to return to Crypto, this time as a writer in the field. The timing could not have been better. The market was developing, prices were strong, and I started building my crypto portfolio through many different opportunities for earnings. This time I stayed in place.
The real test came in mid 2022. After the euphoric maximums of the 2021 bull market, we started the brutal bear phase. But this is where my story now differs from my past experience, I didn't jump fence. Instead, I doubled down on earnings and continued to earn a living by using crypto platforms, even if the price dropped through the floor.
Trading crypto is not really my strength. I admit it first. Graph movements, technical analysis and comprehensive trading systems eventually sound as decrypted hieroglyphs. Dabbling with trading created some bruised DNA, because of poor handling of assets and impatience. When I saw all these, I avoided aggressive trading to a large extent in favor of more practical earning platforms, where I got to earn crypto.
Living on crypto is not without risk. Volatility is stressful and there were a lot of late nights. But the reward makes it all worth it. Crypto has been my only source of income since 2021 and I am sure that it will play an important role in the future business.
The strength of crypto lies in its ability to endure. Market manipulation, regulatory challenges and negative publicity cannot stop the influx of technology or its use. Every new day brings the opportunity to learn and move forward in this area.
My belief on crypto is not a blind faith, it is the result of years of living experience, positive and negative. I have witnessed the booming, dine with the bears and made them a more resistant person. The key was continuous learning, changing strategies and maintaining the final goal in sight.
For anyone who is considering throwing in the towel on crypto, remember this: The road is not always smooth, but the potential reward is worth fighting for. Whether you are earning crypto on platforms or conservatively trading, Crypto has a lot to offer to those who are willing to learn and stand out.
The crypto space will constantly change and I will change with it. My own experience with personal financing has become woven together with crypto, and although there were occasional hiccups, I am still determined to learn more and look for new opportunities in this constantly changing space.
It is not about becoming rich, the point is to be for the financial and technological revolution. So no, I'll give up on crypto. Instead, I simply learn, earn and proceed in this landscape. The future of finance is digital and I will be here and watch how it goes.