There are only two reasons we are here: Earning money and gaining friends. And there is only one way you can do it: To people, you should be kind and nice.
The golden rule of life is to make friends and forget enemies, which is even more golden in our interlinked world. The most significant thing that we get to learn from the internet is that there is no place to hide on it. The internet is such that whatever one says of another person they will get to know about it. We all have a Google alert on our names and Google knows all. Because of that, we must all be careful and mindful to never put someone in a bad situation or speak ill of them.
If we do, we can have severe consequences on the profession we once had. Or worse, ruin someone's life. Disregarding your enemies is the greatest way to defeat them in this battle. And, the best way of getting good friends is to speak well of everybody.We are here because of people, and it is through other people that we are going to achieve anything in this room, and in any other undertaking. It is important for one to have friends since we are living in a small town with the world at our fingertips.
Sadly, in life we are too self-centered and we quickly forget that others nurtured and supported us to get to this point at which we are today. And there are certain things which you will be requiring to remain relevant and still keep standing out, and those are your personal brand and your network. Your network is who you know. Your personal brand is why you exist. All of your personal skills and talents can be integrated with your network and your personal brand and turned into something that belongs to you.
It's saddening to know that many individuals don't mind what others think about them nor do they want to relate to others in the most profound manner achievable, but that is their goal to succeed. our talents and abilities are purposed to build others.
If your work is earning you more foes than friends, then that is an indication that your work is not heading in the right path, you must recheck your objectives, and redirect.
As you move up the career ladder, you have become more passionate about what you do.
Are your actions helping or hurting people? Be careful with the choice of words when using social media. When you are cursing someone on the internet, do you know who their friends are, who their relatives are, or who their business partners are? The majority of us try to remain anonymous on the internet but our names don't have such an option. That is why we need to be a little more empathetic and courteous as much as possible on social network sites. You may hide your face behind an anonymous avatar, but people will recognize you as the author of what you write or do and that will be linked to your name.
Being kind to people is more important than making money. Today, we have an interconnected world. People will form opinions about you based on how they find you or what they know about you. So, we have to be cautious and take care of what we say on social media. What we say and do is creating a virtual reality of who we really are, and we have to be cautious about everything.Be kind to everyone. Don't create enemies. Be a friend to everyone. In that way, you will not only be loved but also successful.
But our weakness is that the majority of us cannot handle criticism and that is really bad as a writer or even as a businessman. As long as you recognize your mistakes, learn from them and move forward you are still on the path of success in the game. So, it is not foolish of you to appear stupid while getting criticism on your work. Relish it, use it to get better. So, criticism might be a good thing after all because it is usually the best teacher.You are going to have plenty of people who don't approve of your work, and some other people whom you don't approve of. Instead of initiating a fight, create something from what you believe he failed to do correctly. You are never required to correct another's work but can create a better version of the same work without putting down his effort.
Writing is not about you but other people because you are just trying to share your knowledge and thoughts to educate and help others achieve their dreams. So, humble yourself and be inquisitive and do not pose as if you are right, because you're not.
Let us be kind, the world is a small village.