
Artist, Writer, Photographer, Scientist, Person


Joined in 11, 2017
· 2571 days ago

The essence of praise in fellowship can never be over emphasized. There is a popular saying that 'he who praises God while praying prays twice'. The book of Psalms chapter 100:4 says "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." The story of Paul and Silas also teaches us the importance of praise as they got liberated from their chains and captivity when they praised God. As a photographer and a Christian, I was privileged to be the official photographer for a all night praise program held in my church. A lot transpired that night and I would be sharing some excerpts from that wonderful night. The program started off with opening prayers and worship. A lot of preparations had been put on ground to make sure the praise night was a success as pianists, drummers, and all other instrumentalists were on ground to ensure that the praises ascended to the heavens with melodies that would be pleasing to the Lord. Praises were sung and the congregation sang and danced like David did in the bible. Songs ranging from English to Nigerian traditional songs were rendered by the choir and the instrumentalists backed up the choir wonderfully well. Nights like this couldn't possibly be complete without sharing the word of God. The word of God was taken from the book of 2nd Kings Chapter 6 which talked about restoration and upliftment. Lives were touched and hearts were opened up to the living word of God. Prayers were lifted up to the Lord and petitions were raised to heaven. It was indeed a glorious sight to behold as hearts and minds and bodies were lifted up to God in prayers.

· 23. Feb 2018

Work is a very common terminology used in various spheres of life even the kingdom of God. In this short study, we are going to be considering what this work is and why we should do all diligence to be a part of it. Source Ephesians 4:1 “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.” Paul speaking to the believers at Ephesus admonishes them to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they were called, this leads us to the understanding that every believer is called first and to a vocation. Now a vocation is an occupation for which a person is qualified or trained for, therefore to be a believer is synonymous to being a worker. Our first question would be that what is this work to which we have being called? WHATWORK To every job occupation, there is a specification and a purpose of that work, it is no different here. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, land and sea, animals and tree and so on, but most importantly God created man; whom he created in his own image and likeness. Eph 2:10 says that we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, here again work is being mentioned, which is to say we were created for a work.Rev 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” tells us what that work is, each time the Lord God finished a creation, He always said it was good. The work is simply “the pleasing of God”, even He performed the work of creation to please himself and we now as a product of his creation are to please him. The work is the fulfilment of God’s pleasure. Our next consideration is that since there is a work to be done, earlier established we are the ones as Christians to handle the work, but how? <a href="
