Be loyal to your innermost truth. Forgive those who are not; as they do not know the way. - 8888
Earth, Milky Way Galaxy.
I have said before many times that I believe Bitcoin is on borrowed time. I don't believe it can serve the purpose of peer to peer digital cash at a global scale for many reasons (lack of privacy, fungibility) I will explain in detail within a later post.
It has been a wild year. Personally, I am pretty confident we have seen this cycles bottom...This is historically the best time to be accumulating. It should be an interesting week ahead as we move into 2023. Where do you guys think Bitcoin will end the year?
I have been here since the beginning, since the Steem days...lurking in the background observing this network and community grow into what it is today. It's amazing to see where we have come since then...Here is my long overdue introduction post.