Hi Friends!
First off, let me give you some context:
It has been a long day of hornswaggling, rapscallionating, some digital purloinery and a well deserved nappy-poo. I have now gladly found the time to fit a couple of drinks in, and thus, continue on with my reformative goals of making things even better!
And so I’m back with the final item on the receipt I showed from a couple days ago. It’s just a 2 ozer, but any credible Canadian geezer would know in an instant that the design is reminiscent of our 1973 Quarter. And even if that quarter had no silver in it, it was — and still is — an iconic design in the numismatic canon of Canadain circ coinage.
I am very happy to have snagged another one of these RCMP dude-bros on a horse:
And just super cool that they put ol’ gorgeous George on the obverse. As far as regal portraits go I’d give this one high marks.
In other news, did you know that the “halving” is upon us? Bitcoin block rewards get chopped in 1/2 on Friday. This means that the natural and fresh supply of bitcoins is going from 900 to 450 per day. And so, if demand remains constant that’s 450 more bitcoins everyday that have to come from somewhere. And given that most of the held supply out there has been in hodlers wallets, and thus not available, we could be in for some surprising moves over the next many weeks/ months.
If you’re already a holder, try to add some sats when you can. If you are a “no-coiner” then for the love of nice things, freedom and lots of money, at least learn how it works! Shit is gonna’ get real, real fast.
Got Bitcoin? Got Gold? Got a Fucking Plan?
Cheers! from