Hi friends,
Well it sure seems like the time is ‘nigh for some more crazy moves in the metals markets. No matter how high it goes there are still buyers — if we are to trust the reports. I say: fuck the reports (even if they make sense), just look at the price. Gold is soaring above new highs frequently, and silver would be too if there wasn’t the 1980 Hunt Bros. GOD candle.
I’m no expert in predicting metals prices, being the perma bull I am, but everything sure seems poised for lift off. And that’s to not even mention the crypto market. One (amongst many) things I find amazing about crypto, is that it trades on Saturdays — on Everyday really — and so despite everything else, when those rockets got fired into Israel on Saturday it was the Bitcoin market that reflected it first!
Anyway, yadda yadda, in my last post I showed a receipt with three items on it. Showed the first one, and here’s the second:
It’s a Tudor Beast — merpy derp derp — but it was either that ☝️ or a generic 10 bar — same price! So I took the fancy boy and gonna’ let it ride for a while 😜
@thedamus sez: Buy some weight now that you’re gonna’ be willing to sell.